Thank you for downloading or purchasing BodyComp 96 v2.5 32-bit for Windows95. BodyComp96 allows the user to easily calculate body fat percentage using a variety of equations. In addition it allows for the calculation of body mass index, waist to hip ratio, and body surface area. To install BodyComp 96 from the downloaded zip file: 1. Unzip the file using pkunzip or similar program. 2. Run 'setup.exe' from the run command on the Start button or from an Explorer window. 3. After installing BodyComp 96, it is safe to delete the files unzipped from the zip file. If you would like to make installation disks in order to install the program on other computers, simply copy the files that were unzipped to the appropriate disks. You now have the equivalent of installation disks. Disk1: comctl32.oc_ ctl3d32.dl_ mfc40.dl1 msvcrt20.dl_ msvcrt40.dl_ olepro32.dl_ setup.exe setup.lst setup132.ex_ st4unst.ex_ stkit432.dl_ vb40032.dl_ ven2232.ol_ Disk2: bcomp.hl_ bodycomp.ex_ comdlg32.oc_ mfc40.dl2 To install BodyComp 96 from installation disks: 1. Run 'setup.exe' on Disk 1. If you choose to uninstall BodyComp 96, this can be completed from the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon in the Control Panel. New additions and improvements in version 2.5: The addition of a windows print dialog box when choosing the print option. The units for the height input for calculating body mass index has been changed from meters to centimeters in order to provide continuity between all the different measurements. The units for BMI have not changed, though. The ability to save information as a text file has been added. If a file is saved using the same name as a previously saved file, BodyComp 96 adds the new data to the end of the file and does not overwrite the previous data. This allows users to easily track subject's data. An online help file has been added. The references for all the available equations has been moved from its own form into the help file. This allows for copying and pasting the information into other applications. BodyComp 96 is shareware not freeware. If you find the program useful, please register the software. This allows for the development of future versions. Registration information can be reached from the beginning screen, or from the help file. The author of BodyComp 96 is not responsible for any problem incurred as a result of installing or using this software. BodyComp 96 web page: E-mail: