:Base UPDATE.HLP 1 About Help topics=ID_ABOUT 1 Starting to Work 2 What is the updating program used for =ID_REVIEW 2 Launching Kaspersky AV Updater=ID_RUN 2 Kaspersky AV Updater interface=ID_INTERF 2 Technical support=ID_SUPPORT 1 Welcome to Kaspersky AV Updater 2 Welcome to the Kaspersky AV Updater Wizard box=ID_WELCOME 1 Connection 2 Connection wizard box=ID_CON_REV 2 Choosing Updating Method 3 Updating from a local folder=ID_CON_FOLDER 3 Updating via the Internet 4 Updating via the Internet=ID_CON_INET 4 Defining the source of updates=ID_CON_ADDRESS 4 Defining IP connection=ID_CON_CON 2 Choosing Objects to Be Updated 3 Choosing objects to be updated=ID_CON_OBJ 1 Options 2 Options wizard box=ID_OPTIONS 1 Retrieving Updates 2 Retrieving updates window=ID_UPDATE 1 Finishing Kaspersky AV Updater 2 Finishing Kaspersky AV Updater Wizard box=ID_FINISH