Interface options

Source - Allow you to select your source AVS script.
As soon as you select the source, FreeEnc will automatically select a default destination with the same name of the source and extension M2V.

Destination - Allow you to select the name and location.

Template - Here you can choose between different configuration templates. FreeEnc allows you to tweak every single parameter from AVCodec library throught templates. More explanation on templates later.

Mode - Two modes are currently available in FreeEnc: CBR and VBR. CBR keeps a fixed bitrate across all scenes. The problem with this is that different scenes require different ammounts of bitrate (a black screen needs much less bits to be represented with the same quality comparing to a detailed fire burning, for instance). VBR, on the other hand, will vary bitrate according to the demands of each scene.

Average Bitrate - This will vary according to your target. You can use videohelp calculator to calc your average if you are using FreeEnc as a stand-alone app:

Max Bitrate (only available in VBR mode) - Here you should put the maximmum bitrate you will allow your video to have. I suggest you put 2500 for SVCD targets and 9000 for DVD targets.

Min Bitrate
(only available in VBR mode)  - Here you should use the minimmum bitrate your SAP allows without freezing in  low-detail/movement scenes. 300 is a good value here, and it's the default value. There's nearly no gain using zero here (hardly ever any scene will hit zero).

(only available in VBR mode) - Using one pass will make FreeEnc vary around the average bitrate, so quality won't be good on bitrate demanding (fast moving/high detail) scenes. Two pass will make FreeEnc first create a map of the hard scenes and then distributing bitrate in the most optimized way. As the number of passes increases, FreeEnc will improve even more the optimization in bitrate distribution, yelding (in theory) more quality.

Field Progressive/interlaced - Movies are progressive, and some TV series too. Home made videos, sports, news, some other series are interlaced.

Aspect 4:3 / 16:9 - This would be selected according to your source.

After setting all parameters, you can hit "Go" to start our conversion.