------- -------------------- --------- --------------- ------- --------- jIRCii - Beta (34) 05.08.05 - README - ------------- -------- - ---------------- -- - - - - - - The official jIRCii homepage is at: http://jircii.hick.org jIRCii is cross platform. Any desktop platform with the Java 1.4.2+ runtime environment should be able to run jIRCii without any problems. For help and information about jIRCii run the application and view the Help menu. The jIRCii code and binaries are released under the artistic license. The source code is available on my personal homepage under the projects section: http://www.hick.org/~raffi/projects.html Enjoy. -- Raffi ------- -------------------- --------- --------------- ------- --------- Running and Installation - ------------- -------- - ---------------- -- - - - - - - 1. - Installation - - Unarchive your respective jIRC archive file. Copy the files where ever you want them. 2. -- Which Java to Use - - You need to have the Java 1.4.2 (or later) runtime environment. To obtain this just visit http://www.java.com, find the Get Java now button and download the appropriate JRE for your operating system. You do not need to download the software development kit, just the runtime environment. Note: jIRCii also works with Java 1.5. 3. - - Running jIRCii -- Once the runtime environment is installed you just need to simply launch jIRC. To do this from a commandline you can type: java -jar jerk.jar === Command Line Options === jIRC has a -settings command line option. This is for specifying where your settings files are located: java -jar jerk.jar -settings c:\mystuff\jirc\ jIRCii also has a -lnf command line option. This is for specifying the desired Java look and feel to use with jIRCii: java -jar jerk.jar -lnf com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif.MotifLookAndFeel You can also specify an irc:// URL on the jIRCii command line to specify a irc server and channel you want jIRCii to join on startup: java -jar jerk.jar irc://irc.freenode.net/jircii === Windows === The Windows distribution of jIRCii comes with a jircii.exe file. You can use this to launch jIRCii and pass any of the above command line arguments to jIRCii. === Mac OS X === If you have the Mac OS X specific archive of jIRCii just double click jIRCii.app 4. -- Upgrading -- If you are upgrading from an older version of jIRCii and you are experiencing problems you may want to delete your jIRCii settings. Your jIRCii settings are located in your home directory under the folder ".jIRC". On a UNIX system your home directory is typically /home/ On MacOS X your home directory is typically /Users/ On Windows your home directory may appear in c:\documents and settings\ Delete the ".jIRC" folder. jIRCii will then recreate this folder with new preferences next time you run jIRCii.