About the game   Getting started   Before you go   The game   Targets   Problems

Lander is simple and easy-to-use freeware arcade computer game. Anyone can play, copy or distribute it for free. With adequate flash player, you can play it on any platform you wish (PC, someother kind of computer, PDAs...).

Lander was created (not only) for Becherovka Game 2006. You can read about its successes or failures or about other games at game.becherovka.cz.

To contact Lander's creators, try koupilovi@tiscali.cz, koupil@animato.cz or phone number +420 721 374 431.

This text will lead you step by step through playing Lander and show you what to do.
We hope you enjoy our game.

Getting started

After wieving Okounsoft and Becger Game logos, choose one of eight planets - each of them consists of a sequence of five missions od increasing dificulty. During your gameplay, your unsuccessful starts and antiScore (which shows level of your unability and incompetence and is calculated using number of destroyed landing modules, used fuel, time of mission etc). Lowest value is best value. For each planet, a separate score is calculated.

When you click on name of your desired planet, you can read basic information about it. If you confirm, panel showing your progress in the series of missions is displayed. On the left side you can see missions on the planet. Selected one (usually the one you should try now) blinks, already accomplished mission glow, unavailable is dark. To play again already accomplished mission, just click on the button near its name.

The OK button (on the right side, under your lives meter) starts the selected mission. The button with red cross returns you back to the step where you select planets.

Before you go

Next screen is briefing before or after the mission. It shows you what you have to do, how much fuel you have and how well have you already played (lives, antiScore). If the mission is accomplished, either by the actual attempt, either by some preceding attempt, you can see a green stamp next to "Mission status" sign and you can advance to next mission. If the mission is not accomplished, you have to try it again.
By pressing the red cross button you can exit the mission and choose another one.

This screens also displays your targets you have to fulfill to accomplish the mission. You always have top return safely to the orbit station, other targets differs mission from mission. That targets you managed to fulfill durong your last attempt have a green stamp over them, others have a red one. Before your first attempt, no stamps are shown.

If you destroyed the landing module during your last attempt, reason of its destruction is displayed just under the "Mission status" sign.

To start a new attempt and play the game, press the START button or press ENTER.

The game

The landing module is released from orbit's dock. Now it's up to you to control it carefully and fulfill all the goals and targets on surface and return it back to the orbit. If you fail in completing any of these goals, the mission is unsuccessful.

The landing module is controlled by arrow keys - up for going up (main thrust motors), left and right for side motors. Using your motors needs fuel - when you run out of it, the motors stop working and you can no more control the module.

In the left bottom corner, you can see panel displaying useful information. The upper row displays shows your vertical and horisontal velocity, and the red or green button indicates whether that speed is safe for landing. In the bottom left corner is displayed remaining fuel, bottom rightdisplay shows your current height above the bottom edge of game window (top edge is 600 units high). Just on the left side of the panel is situated autodestructuin button which allows you to finish unsuccessful attempts when there is no other way (i. e. when you land safely, but you run out of fuel).


There are four types of targets on surface, some of them may be present more than once on a single mission.

Furthermore, in some missions you have to get some additive fuel. This is not mandatory, but it is quite difficult to complete the mission without enough fuel. Just like the delivery package, you don't have to land, just fly over it.


Mercury - flying meteorites can destroy the module, you havet to avoid them. Your radar beeps and displays a red box width an exclamation mark at the location where a meteorite is going to fly into the scene.
Venus - volcanoes, lava lakes and flying stones.
Mars - aggresive Martanians patrol and smash the module with their club whenever they can.
Jupiter - extremely high gravity rules here.
Saturn - strange formations, rocks and caves requires highly skilled pilots.
Uranus - Because of the angle of rotation, everything is twisted here.
Neptune - very strong hurricanes can blow the module onto a rock or at least make it more difficult to pilot.
Pluto - extremely low gravity and fuel shortage can cause troubles.

Submiting your score

After completing all the five mission on a planet you can submit your name and e-mail to log yourself into highscore lists. Okounsoft server counts number of lives on separate planets, Becherovka Game server counts antiScore.

Your score is submitted after clicking the OK button. If you do not want to submit it, you can click the red cross button toreturn to planet selection. Submitting requires active internet connection.

Both antiScore and lives are counted separately for every planet (in the game, not on Becherovka server). After your upload, they are reset.

© 2006 Okounsoft - Animato; koupil@animato.cz, www.animato.cz