The bloodline of Arkor had waited six centuries for their revenge upon the Garulian Empire - but once the Theocrat had gained power, it took him a mere sixty years to completely eradicate his enemies. As Taryn Arkor’s armies hunted the Heretic Kingdoms for Garulians to butcher, the God-Emperor of that time retreated with his closest family and retainers to Sura lands. The Sura had traditionally been allies to the Garulians, the Garulian progenitor, Garul I, having used their unmatchable mercenaries in his decisive campaign. But the Sura work for riches, not loyalty, a fact of which Taryn was aware. The masses of Garulia all but destroyed, the Theocrat lay siege to Sura castle to prevent the escape of the Garulian royal family. Nine months later, and their money exhausted, the Sura expelled the royal family into Taryn’s arms, to die. Thus ended the Garulian Empire.