The Thing US PC Mouse Look Patch (1.2) Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Patch Information 1.1 (Patch Requirements) 2. Patch Instructions 3. Technical/Customer Support 1. Patch Information --------------------- This patch for the US PC version of The Thing adds a mouse-look option to the game. To use the mouse look option, enter the Options menu, then Advanced Controls, and turn the Mouse-Look option ON. 1.1 Patch Requirements ---------------------- Before you install this patch, you must have installed the 1.1 patch "blg_thething_patch_10_11.exe". That patch may be included in this .zip if you downloaded "". If you only downloaded the 1.2 mouse look patch, you can find the first patch at 2. Patch Instructions ---------------------- This patch is a self extracting, self installing executable. Simply run the executable and wait for the patch to finish installing itself. 3. Technical/Customer Support ------------------------------ If you experience any problems after running the patch, please contact Customer Support using the information in your game manual.