object TCScannerWin: TTCScannerWin OldCreateOrder = False Left = 285 Top = 161 Height = 479 Width = 741 object TCScannerWin: TAOWWindow DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 186 WinTop = 104 WinWidth = 200 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 75 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 76 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinManager = Sys.Manager UseVMem = False BorderWidth = 0 BorderHeight = 0 Cursor = crArrow DoubleBuffered = True MaskColor = clRed FreeSurfaceOnHide = True MaskedBorder = True ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 184 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 16 DragHeight = 0 Draggable = False Resizable = False MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 100 MaxWidth = 0 MaxHeight = 0 UseDisplayBorders = False UseManagerBorders = True Modal = False WinHeight = 114 Left = 16 Top = 8 end object Scanner: TScanner DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = MainPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 24 Alignment.LeftOffset = 23 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 4 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 0 WinHeight = 0 TilesImageLib = ILs.ScanT HiLightsImageLib = ILs.ScanH FogImageLib = ILs.ScanF ILObjects = ILs.General TileBoxTop = 5 TileBoxLeft = 5 TileBoxWidth = 5 TileBoxHeight = 5 HighLights = False Buildings = True Armies = True Naturals = True OnChangeTileBox = ScannerChangeTileBox MapDrawSteps = 1 ILFrame = ILs.Fr_Main ILIndexFrame = 39 Left = 300 Top = 64 end object SFrame: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = False Priority = 20 WinLeft = 73 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = MainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = -2 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 24 Alignment.LeftOffset = 19 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 127 WinHeight = 87 FrameType = frHollowBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.Index = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 248 Top = 64 end object MainPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 186 WinTop = 104 WinWidth = 196 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 4 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 114 aowWindow = TCScannerWin ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 16 Top = 56 end object EndTurnCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 74 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TurnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Ends your Round.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 62 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = -3 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 76 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 77 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 79 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 78 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 27 Checked = False OnChange = EndTurnCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 148 Top = 248 end object BtnPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 24 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 41 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 70 Alignment.LeftOffset = 24 Alignment.RightOffset = -5 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 114 aowWindow = TCScannerWin ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 16 Top = 112 end object SelectionCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 29 AOWWindow = BtnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Options for the Selected Map Object.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 25 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 80 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 81 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 83 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 82 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 41 WinHeight = 28 Checked = False OnChange = SelectionCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 112 Top = 112 end object MagicCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = BtnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Magic Options: Spellcasting, Research, and Power Management.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 64 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 65 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 67 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 66 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 41 WinHeight = 28 Checked = False OnChange = MagicCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 68 Top = 112 end object WizardCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 58 AOWWindow = BtnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Realm Options: Treasury, Cities, Heroes and Quests.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 25 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 68 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 69 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 71 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 70 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 41 WinHeight = 28 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 164 Top = 112 end object OptionsCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 87 AOWWindow = BtnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Game Options: Settings, Load and Save Games, and Exit.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 72 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 73 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 75 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 74 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 41 WinHeight = 27 Checked = False OnChange = OptionsCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 280 Top = 112 end object aowFrame1: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TCScannerWin CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 114 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 126 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 84 Top = 56 end object aowFrame2: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 60 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TCScannerWin CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 114 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 124 Top = 56 end object PlayerIconPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = PlayerIconPnlDrawRect Priority = 30 WinLeft = 48 WinTop = 5 WinWidth = 23 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 41 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 41 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 20 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = TurnPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 88 Top = 180 end object RelationsCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 69 AOWWindow = BtnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Diplomatic Options: Race Relations, Messages, Treaties, and Trad' + 'ing.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 60 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 60 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 61 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 63 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 62 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 22 Checked = False RadioIndex = 1 Left = 480 Top = 96 end object TurnPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 30 WinLeft = 80 WinTop = 87 WinWidth = 120 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 25 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 27 aowWindow = TCScannerWin ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 16 Top = 180 end object TimePnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 30 WinLeft = 104 WinTop = 6 WinWidth = 42 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 70 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 2 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 20 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = TurnPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 77 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 232 Top = 252 end object TimeLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 7 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = TimePnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW14 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 7327999 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 14 Text = '12:00' Left = 308 Top = 256 end object PlayerFr: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = -7 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TurnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Indicates which Wizards have competed their Turn.') CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = -7 Alignment.RightOffset = -8 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 135 WinHeight = 27 FrameType = frFilledBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 126 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 75 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale Left = 132 Top = 180 end object TimeFt: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 91 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TurnPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 66 Alignment.LeftOffset = -7 Alignment.RightOffset = -5 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 63 WinHeight = 28 FrameType = frFilledBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 126 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 75 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale Left = 276 Top = 248 end object NextUnitBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = TurnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Selects the next Active Unit. ') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 62 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 40 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 49 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 40 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 58 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 48 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 57 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 48 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 66 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILIcon.Index = 84 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 85 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 87 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 86 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.aow18 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8835831 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 18 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -1 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 46 WinHeight = 27 OnClick = NextUnitBtnClick Left = 16 Top = 248 end object EventBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 46 WinTop = 4 AOWWindow = TurnPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Flashes when there are Unread Events.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 38 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 58 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 20 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 0 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 144 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 144 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 144 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 144 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 76 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 77 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 79 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8835831 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = -1 WinWidth = 17 WinHeight = 13 Left = 72 Top = 248 end object PIconHelp: TaowUserDrawBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 50 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = PlayerIconPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Indicates whose Round it is.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 23 WinHeight = 16 Left = 184 Top = 184 end object Translator: TIvTranslator DictionaryName = 'AoW' Left = 4 Top = 8 TargetsData = ( 1 3 ( '' 'Items' 0) ( '' 'Text' 0) ( '' 'ToolTipText' 0)) end end