object SoundDlg: TSoundDlg OldCreateOrder = False Left = 276 Top = 162 Height = 530 Width = 748 object SoundDlg: TAOWWindow DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 566 WinTop = 470 WinWidth = 576 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 14 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 14 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 10 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 10 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinManager = Sys.Manager UseVMem = False BorderWidth = 0 BorderHeight = 0 Cursor = crDefault DoubleBuffered = True MaskColor = clRed FreeSurfaceOnHide = True MaskedBorder = False ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 2 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 200 DragHeight = 20 Draggable = True Resizable = False MinWidth = 490 MinHeight = 0 MaxWidth = 0 MaxHeight = 0 UseDisplayBorders = True UseManagerBorders = True Modal = True WinHeight = 480 Left = 24 Top = 16 end object ClientPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 300 WinLeft = 40 WinTop = 68 WinWidth = 496 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 40 Alignment.RightOffset = 40 Alignment.TopOffset = 68 Alignment.BottomOffset = 42 WinHeight = 370 aowWindow = SoundDlg ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 16 Top = 80 end object Mainfr: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 600 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 576 WinHeight = 480 FrameType = frHollowBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 210 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.Index = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 88 Top = 16 end object ButtonPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 200 WinLeft = 38 WinTop = 369 WinWidth = 500 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 88 Alignment.LeftOffset = 38 Alignment.RightOffset = 38 Alignment.TopOffset = -53 Alignment.BottomOffset = 53 WinHeight = 58 aowWindow = SoundDlg ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 2 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 112 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 16 Top = 372 end object OKBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 9999999 WinLeft = 99 WinTop = 326 AOWWindow = ClientPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Saves the changed Settings.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 52 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 88 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 170 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 116 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 100 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 108 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 194 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 50 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 195 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 194 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 196 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 6521729 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = 1909538 ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 6827543 ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 1 WinWidth = 139 WinHeight = 33 OnClick = OKBtnClick Text = 'OK' Left = 136 Top = 380 end object CancelBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 9999999 WinLeft = 258 WinTop = 326 AOWWindow = ClientPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Cancels the changed Settings.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 52 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 88 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 170 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 116 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 100 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 108 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 194 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 50 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 195 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 194 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 196 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 0 ILButton.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 0 ILButton.ButtonType = intLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 6521729 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = 1909538 ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 6827543 ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 1 WinWidth = 139 WinHeight = 33 OnClick = CancelBtnClick Text = 'Cancel' Left = 188 Top = 372 end object OKCancelPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 10 WinTop = 9 WinWidth = 480 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 2 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 2 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 40 aowWindow = ButtonPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 72 Top = 380 end object MusicLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 24 WinTop = 8 AOWWindow = GameplaySubPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets the Volume of Music in the game.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 10 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Music Volume' Left = 144 Top = 85 end object SoundLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 24 WinTop = 27 AOWWindow = GameplaySubPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets the Volume of Sound Effects in the game.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Sound Effects Volume' Left = 144 Top = 145 end object GameplaySubPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 15 WinTop = 33 WinWidth = 466 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 3 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 3 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 9 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 78 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 48 aowWindow = ClientPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 64 Top = 64 end object TopCenterMask: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 46 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILTexture.Index = 220 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 484 WinHeight = 84 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 272 Top = 24 end object TopCenter: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 800 WinLeft = 46 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILTexture.Index = 230 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 484 WinHeight = 84 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 320 Top = 24 end object SoundSet: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 157 WinTop = 11 AOWWindow = ClientPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.aow18 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 18 Text = 'SOUND SETTINGS' Left = 168 Top = 21 end object MusicVol: TaowHScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 233 WinTop = 7 AOWWindow = GameplaySubPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets the Volume of Music in the game.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 100 Min = 0 Max = 100 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 10 Position = 100 WinHeight = 15 WinWidth = 186 NumberVisible = 1 OnChange = MusicVolChange VanishWhenFull = False ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 23 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 24 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 25 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 23 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 20 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 21 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 22 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 20 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 26 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 29 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 26 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 26 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 219 Top = 86 end object SoundVol: TaowHScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 233 WinTop = 25 AOWWindow = GameplaySubPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets the Volume of Sound Effects in the game.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 53 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 100 Min = 0 Max = 100 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 10 Position = 100 WinHeight = 15 WinWidth = 186 NumberVisible = 1 OnChange = SoundVolChange VanishWhenFull = False ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 23 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 24 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 25 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 23 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 20 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 21 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 22 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 20 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 26 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 29 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 26 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 26 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 204 Top = 142 end object CheckBoxPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 15 WinTop = 85 WinWidth = 466 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 3 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 3 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 23 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 56 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 78 aowWindow = ClientPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 272 Top = 264 end object CheckBoxInner: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 23 WinTop = 8 WinWidth = 420 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 10 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 10 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 62 aowWindow = CheckBoxPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 344 Top = 264 end object aowPanel3: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 408 Top = 271 end object aowLabel4: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel3 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Music is played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Play Music' Left = 476 Top = 270 end object MusicCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel3 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Music is played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 14 Checked = True OnChange = MusicCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 440 Top = 272 end object aowPanel4: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 16 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 25 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 15 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 408 Top = 319 end object aowLabel5: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel4 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Play Sound Effects' Left = 476 Top = 318 end object SfxCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel4 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 13 Checked = True OnChange = SfxCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 440 Top = 320 end object aowPanel5: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 31 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 25 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 15 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 400 Top = 375 end object aowLabel6: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel5 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether the Direct Sound is used to increase performance. ') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Use Direct Sound' Left = 484 Top = 366 end object DSoundCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 5 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = aowPanel5 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether the Direct Sound is used to increase performance. ') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 13 Checked = True OnChange = DSoundCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 440 Top = 368 end object Item1: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 536 Top = 263 end object NameLbl1: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item1 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Selection Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Selection Sounds' Left = 596 Top = 262 end object SelectionSfxCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = Item1 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Selection Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 14 Checked = True RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 264 end object aowPanel1: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 16 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 25 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 15 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 528 Top = 311 end object aowLabel2: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Movement Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Movement Sounds' Left = 596 Top = 310 end object MovementSfxCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Movement Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 13 Checked = True RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 312 end object aowPanel2: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 31 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 25 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 15 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 528 Top = 367 end object aowLabel3: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel2 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Ambient Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Ambient Sounds' Left = 604 Top = 358 end object AmbientSfxCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel2 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Ambient Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 13 Checked = True OnChange = AmbientSfxCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 360 end object aowPanel8: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 46 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 392 Top = 431 end object listLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel8 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether a Custom list of Songs is played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Custom Play List' Left = 460 Top = 430 end object PlayListCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel8 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether a Custom list of Songs is played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 14 Checked = True OnChange = PlayListCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 424 Top = 432 end object aowPanel9: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 46 WinWidth = 210 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = CheckBoxInner ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 520 Top = 423 end object DynamicMusicCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 19 WinTop = 1 AOWWindow = aowPanel9 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Event Sounds are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 203 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 219 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 203 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 211 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 15 WinHeight = 14 Checked = True RadioIndex = 0 Left = 552 Top = 424 end object PlayListPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 15 WinTop = 185 WinWidth = 466 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 3 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 3 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 13 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 137 aowWindow = ClientPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 272 Top = 152 end object RemoveSongBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 9999999 WinLeft = 116 WinTop = 115 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Removes the selected Song from the Play List.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 25 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 51 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 84 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 2 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 290 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 290 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 290 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 298 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 4 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 50 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 0 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 1 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9101798 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 1 WinWidth = 112 WinHeight = 19 OnClick = RemoveSongBtnClick Text = 'Remove' Left = 360 Top = 116 end object AddSongBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 9999999 WinLeft = 238 WinTop = 115 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Adds the selected file to the Play List.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 51 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 25 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 84 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 2 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 290 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 290 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 290 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 298 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 4 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 50 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 0 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 1 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 0 ILButton.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 0 ILButton.ButtonType = intLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9101798 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 1 WinWidth = 112 WinHeight = 19 OnClick = AddSongBtnClick Text = 'Add' Left = 404 Top = 116 end object PlayListHeaderPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 15 WinTop = 166 WinWidth = 466 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 3 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 3 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 45 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 19 aowWindow = ClientPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 280 Top = 216 end object aowPanel12: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 233 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 233 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 19 aowWindow = PlayListHeaderPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 576 Top = 216 end object songsLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 84 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel12 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 Text = 'SONGS' Left = 632 Top = 213 end object aowPanel13: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 233 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 19 aowWindow = PlayListHeaderPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 15 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 352 Top = 216 end object PlayListLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 68 WinTop = -1 AOWWindow = aowPanel13 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 Text = 'PLAY LIST' Left = 408 Top = 213 end object EnchantmentSB: TaowVScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 200 WinLeft = 451 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 100 Min = 0 Max = 0 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 1 Position = 0 WinHeight = 112 WinWidth = 15 NumberVisible = 1 VanishWhenFull = True ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 3 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 4 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 5 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 3 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 0 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 1 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 2 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 0 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 6 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 9 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 6 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 6 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 552 Top = 176 end object SongsLB: TaowListBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 200 WinLeft = 238 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 51 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 18 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = 9166050 ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 9166050 ILTNormal.IdealHeight = 0 ILTNormal.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTNormal.Index = 1 ILTNormal.OffsetX = 0 ILTNormal.OffsetY = 0 ILTNormal.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 WinWidth = 228 WinHeight = 112 BorderWidth = 10 BorderHeight = 4 VScrollBar = EnchantmentSB ItemHeight = 17 VisibleItems = 6 TextAlign = taLeft ILTSelected.IdealHeight = 0 ILTSelected.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTSelected.Index = 30 ILTSelected.OffsetX = 0 ILTSelected.OffsetY = 0 ILTSelected.TextureType = intTile OnDoubleClick = AddSongBtnClick Selected = -1 Left = 512 Top = 173 end object aowVScrollBar1: TaowVScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 200 WinLeft = 213 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 100 Min = 0 Max = 0 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 1 Position = 0 WinHeight = 112 WinWidth = 15 NumberVisible = 1 VanishWhenFull = True ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 3 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 4 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 5 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 3 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 0 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 1 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 2 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 0 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 6 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 9 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 6 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 6 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 480 Top = 176 end object PlayListLB: TaowListBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 200 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 51 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 18 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = 9166050 ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 9166050 ILTNormal.IdealHeight = 0 ILTNormal.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTNormal.Index = 1 ILTNormal.OffsetX = 0 ILTNormal.OffsetY = 0 ILTNormal.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 15 WinWidth = 228 WinHeight = 112 BorderWidth = 20 BorderHeight = 4 VScrollBar = aowVScrollBar1 ItemHeight = 17 VisibleItems = 6 TextAlign = taLeft ILTSelected.IdealHeight = 0 ILTSelected.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTSelected.Index = 30 ILTSelected.OffsetX = 0 ILTSelected.OffsetY = 0 ILTSelected.TextureType = intTile OnDoubleClick = RemoveSongBtnClick Selected = -1 OnPreDrawItem = PlayListLBPreDrawItem Left = 440 Top = 173 end object aowImage1: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 46 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILTexture.Index = 220 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 484 WinHeight = 84 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 272 Top = 24 end object aowImage3: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 256 WinTop = 426 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILTexture.Index = 223 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 65 WinHeight = 53 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 376 Top = 24 end object aowImage2: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10000 WinLeft = 256 WinTop = 426 AOWWindow = SoundDlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILTexture.Index = 233 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 65 WinHeight = 53 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 440 Top = 24 end object aowLabel8: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 43 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel9 ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Sets whether Event Sound Effects are played.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9166050 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Event Sounds' Left = 596 Top = 430 end object playBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 9999999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 115 AOWWindow = PlayListPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Plays the selected Song in the Play List.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 76 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 84 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 2 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 290 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 290 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 290 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 298 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 4 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 50 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 0 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 1 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.IL = ILs.PlaceH ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9101798 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 1 WinWidth = 112 WinHeight = 19 OnClick = playBtnClick Text = 'Play' Left = 320 Top = 116 end object Translator: TIvTranslator DictionaryName = 'AoW' Left = 4 Top = 8 TargetsData = ( 1 3 ( '' 'Items' 0) ( '' 'Text' 0) ( '' 'ToolTipText' 0)) end end