object CustomizeWizardDlg: TCustomizeWizardDlg OldCreateOrder = False OnCreate = DataModuleCreate OnDestroy = DataModuleDestroy Left = 719 Top = 117 Height = 924 Width = 1481 object CustomizeWizardDlg: TAOWWindow DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 9999 WinLeft = 790 WinTop = 590 WinWidth = 800 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinManager = Sys.Manager UseVMem = False BorderWidth = 0 BorderHeight = 0 Cursor = crArrow DoubleBuffered = True MaskColor = clRed FreeSurfaceOnHide = False MaskedBorder = False ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 6 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 DragHeight = 0 Draggable = False Resizable = False MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 MaxWidth = 0 MaxHeight = 0 UseDisplayBorders = True UseManagerBorders = True Modal = False WinHeight = 600 Left = 16 Top = 8 end object MiddlePnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = MiddlePnlDrawRect Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 260 WinTop = 3 WinWidth = 280 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 32.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 32.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 407 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 592 Top = 12 end object HeaderPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = False Priority = 100 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 415 WinWidth = 800 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72.800003051757800000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 155 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 24 Top = 120 end object BackBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 40 WinTop = 42 AOWWindow = BottomPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Returns to the previous step.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 5 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 80 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 100 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 116 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 100 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 108 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 50 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 3 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 3 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 1 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9101798 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 8625821 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 6827543 ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 0 WinWidth = 120 WinHeight = 37 OnClick = BackBtnClick Text = 'BACK' Left = 472 Top = 12 end object NextBtn: TaowButton DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 640 WinTop = 42 AOWWindow = BottomPnl ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Proceeds to the next step.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 80 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 5 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILFrame.Index = 100 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 116 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 100 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 108 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 50 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 3 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 3 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 1 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 9101798 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 8625821 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = 6827543 ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 14023935 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 0 WinWidth = 120 WinHeight = 37 OnClick = NextBtnClick Text = 'NEXT' Left = 516 Top = 12 end object SelectLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 296 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = HeaderPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 8 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 4 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.aow20 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8973823 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 20 Text = 'SELECT A SPHERE' Left = 141 Top = 120 end object SelectionLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 104 WinTop = 59 AOWWindow = EditPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 8 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 52 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 4 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 Text = 'BANNER COLOR' Left = 705 Top = 224 end object LPillarRR: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 244 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 32 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 196 Top = 64 end object RPnlLL: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 527 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 244 Top = 64 end object LeftPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 39 WinWidth = 181 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 75 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 19 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 371 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 11 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 636 Top = 12 end object RightPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 619 WinTop = 39 WinWidth = 181 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 75 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 19 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 371 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 11 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 760 Top = 20 end object LeftPillarR: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 176 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 32 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 75 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = -5 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 112 Top = 64 end object RightPillarL: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 595 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 75 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 32 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = -5 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 324 Top = 64 end object Top: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 30 WinLeft = -25 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.RightOffPercent = 69.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = -25 Alignment.RightOffset = -28 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 134 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 297 WinHeight = 39 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 120 Top = 12 end object aowImage1: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 410 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -39 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 134 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 800 WinHeight = 39 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 588 Top = 104 end object BottomPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 449 WinWidth = 800 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 121 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 80 Top = 120 end object BarEdge: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 50 WinLeft = 264 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 20 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 131 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 39 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 168 Top = 12 end object aowImage2: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 50 WinLeft = 488 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 30.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 20 Alignment.RightOffset = 20 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 130 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 39 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 280 Top = 12 end object aowImage3: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 30 WinLeft = 521 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 69.599998474121100000 Alignment.LeftOffset = -36 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 134 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 279 WinHeight = 39 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 328 Top = 12 end object TopDeco: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 800 WinHeight = 7 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 80 Top = 12 end object LPnlR: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 200 WinTop = 14 WinWidth = 54 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 25 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 2 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 10 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 396 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 156 Top = 64 end object RPnlL: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 546 WinTop = 14 WinWidth = 54 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 25 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 2 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 10 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 396 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 284 Top = 64 end object MapBox: TaowUserDrawBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnUpdate = MapBoxUpdate Priority = 0 WinLeft = 260 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 32.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 32.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 280 WinHeight = 406 Left = 432 Top = 16 end object TopPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 790 WinTop = 1 WinWidth = 800 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 98 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 11 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 16 end object SelectionPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 42 WinWidth = 272 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 56 aowWindow = HeaderPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 80 Top = 168 end object EditPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 360 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 114 aowWindow = InfoPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 560 Top = 224 end object EditLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 151 WinTop = 8 AOWWindow = EditPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 8 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 7 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 4 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 Text = 'NAME' Left = 601 Top = 224 end object EditBox: TaowEdit DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 74 WinTop = 28 AOWWindow = EditPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 40 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 1 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 25 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 55 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 71 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 71 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 11 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 0 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 0 ILButton.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 0 ILButton.ButtonType = intLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5799335 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 0 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 0 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack WinWidth = 212 WinHeight = 23 Text = '####' BorderWidth = 10 BorderHeight = 2 OnChange = EditBoxChange MaxChars = 0 CursorChar = '|' BlinkDelay = 100 Editable = True PassWordChar = #0 Left = 652 Top = 224 end object SkillsSelectionPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 371 aowWindow = RightPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 10 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 32 Top = 232 end object SkillsSB: TaowVScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 201 WinLeft = 246 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = SkillsSelectionPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 9 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 2 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 19 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 1000 Min = 0 Max = 0 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 1 Position = 0 WinHeight = 381 WinWidth = 15 NumberVisible = 1 OnChange = SkillsSBChange VanishWhenFull = True ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 3 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 4 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 5 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 3 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 0 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 1 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 2 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 0 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 6 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 9 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 6 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 6 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 128 Top = 232 end object SkillPointsHeaderLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 80 WinTop = 10 AOWWindow = SkillsSelectionPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 8 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 10 Alignment.BottomOffset = 4 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8973823 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 Text = '######' Left = 85 Top = 232 end object SkillsPnl: TaowPanel Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 29 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 7 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 2 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 3 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 335 aowWindow = SkillsSelectionPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 11 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 180 Top = 235 end object Item1: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 95 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 295 end object Item2: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 17 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 90 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 333 end object Item3: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 34 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 10 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 85 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 373 end object Item4: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 50 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 80 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 413 end object Item5: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 67 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 20 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 453 end object Item6: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 84 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 25 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 70 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 493 end object Item7: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 100 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 30 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 65 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 533 end object Item8: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 117 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 60 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 573 end object NameLbl1: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 294 end object SkillPointsLbl1: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item1 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 298 end object SkillsImg1: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 294 end object NameLbl2: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 334 end object SkillPointsLbl2: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item2 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 338 end object SkillsImg2: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 334 end object NameLbl3: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 374 end object SkillPointsLbl3: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item3 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 378 end object SkillsImg3: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 374 end object NameLbl4: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 414 end object SkillPointsLbl4: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item4 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 418 end object SkillsImg4: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 414 end object NameLbl5: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 454 end object SkillPointsLbl5: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item5 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 458 end object SkillsImg5: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 454 end object NameLbl6: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 490 end object SkillPointsLbl6: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item6 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 494 end object SkillsImg6: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 490 end object NameLbl7: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 534 end object SkillPointsLbl7: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item7 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 538 end object SkillsImg7: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 534 end object NameLbl8: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item8 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 574 end object SkillPointsLbl8: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item8 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 578 end object SkillsImg8: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item8 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 574 end object ItemCB1: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 296 end object ItemCB2: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 336 end object ItemCB3: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 376 end object ItemCB4: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 416 end object ItemCB5: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 456 end object ItemCB6: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 496 end object ItemCB7: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 536 end object ItemCB8: TaowCheckBox Tag = 7 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item8 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 576 end object MidDeco: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 20 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 449 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -46 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 800 WinHeight = 7 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 376 Top = 12 end object Item90: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 134 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 40 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 55 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 616 end object NameLbl9: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item90 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 614 end object SkillPointsLbl9: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item90 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 618 end object aowImage4: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item90 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 606 end object ItemCB9: TaowCheckBox Tag = 8 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item90 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 616 end object Item10: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 151 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 45 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 8 Top = 661 end object NameLbl10: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 76 Top = 654 end object SkillPointsLbl10: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item10 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 152 Top = 650 end object aowImage5: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 116 Top = 654 end object ItemCB10: TaowCheckBox Tag = 9 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 40 Top = 656 end object Item11: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 168 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 45 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 299 end object Item12: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 184 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 55 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 40 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 337 end object Item13: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 201 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 60 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 377 end object Item14: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 218 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 65 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 417 end object Item15: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 234 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 70 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 25 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 457 end object Item16: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 251 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 75 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 497 end object Item17: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 268 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 80 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 537 end object Item18: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 285 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 85 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 10 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 577 end object NameLbl11: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 298 end object SkillPointsLbl11: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item11 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 298 end object aowImage6: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 298 end object NameLbl12: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 338 end object SkillPointsLbl12: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item12 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 338 end object aowImage7: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 346 end object NameLbl13: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item13 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 378 end object SkillPointsLbl13: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item13 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 378 end object aowImage8: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item13 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 386 end object NameLbl14: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item14 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 418 end object SkillPointsLbl14: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item14 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 418 end object aowImage9: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item14 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 426 end object NameLbl15: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item15 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 458 end object SkillPointsLbl15: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item15 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 458 end object aowImage10: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item15 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 466 end object NameLbl16: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item16 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 494 end object SkillPointsLbl16: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item16 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 494 end object aowImage11: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item16 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 502 end object NameLbl17: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item17 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 538 end object SkillPointsLbl17: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item17 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 538 end object aowImage12: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item17 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 546 end object NameLbl18: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item18 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 578 end object SkillPointsLbl18: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item18 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 578 end object aowImage13: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item18 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 586 end object ItemCB11: TaowCheckBox Tag = 10 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 300 end object ItemCB12: TaowCheckBox Tag = 11 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 340 end object ItemCB13: TaowCheckBox Tag = 12 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item13 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 380 end object ItemCB14: TaowCheckBox Tag = 13 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item14 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 420 end object ItemCB15: TaowCheckBox Tag = 14 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item15 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 460 end object ItemCB16: TaowCheckBox Tag = 15 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item16 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 500 end object ItemCB17: TaowCheckBox Tag = 16 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item17 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 540 end object ItemCB18: TaowCheckBox Tag = 17 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item18 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 580 end object Item19: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 302 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 90 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 16 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 617 end object NameLbl19: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item19 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 618 end object SkillPointsLbl19: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item19 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 618 end object aowImage14: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item19 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 626 end object ItemCB19: TaowCheckBox Tag = 18 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 2 AOWWindow = Item19 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 12 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 620 end object Item20: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 318 WinWidth = 181 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 95 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 17 aowWindow = SkillsPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 3 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 228 Top = 657 end object NameLbl20: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 37 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = Item20 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 6 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '#########' Left = 300 Top = 658 end object SkillPointsLbl20: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 23 AOWWindow = Item20 CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = -2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW12 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clWhite ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clSilver ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 12 Text = '99' Left = 372 Top = 650 end object aowImage15: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 45 WinTop = 21 AOWWindow = Item20 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 22 Alignment.LeftOffset = -12 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 1 Alignment.BottomOffset = -8 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 42 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 22 WinHeight = 24 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 336 Top = 658 end object ItemCB20: TaowCheckBox Tag = 19 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 16 WinTop = 3 AOWWindow = Item20 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 9 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 84 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Btn_Main ILTexture.Index = 200 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 200 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 202 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 201 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clRed ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 13 WinHeight = 11 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 264 Top = 660 end object BannerL: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 3000 WinLeft = 197 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 24.399999618530300000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 68.400001525878900000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 36 Alignment.LeftOffset = 2 Alignment.RightOffset = 2 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 54 WinHeight = 326 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 472 Top = 68 end object BannerLShadow: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2500 WinLeft = 186 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 24.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 68.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = -10 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = -6 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 19 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 66 WinHeight = 335 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 536 Top = 68 end object BannerR: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 3000 WinLeft = 550 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 68.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 24.399999618530300000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 36 Alignment.LeftOffset = 2 Alignment.RightOffset = 2 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 20 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 53 WinHeight = 326 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 472 Top = 108 end object BannerRShadow: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2500 WinLeft = 539 WinTop = 39 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 68.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 24.399999618530300000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = -9 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 39 Alignment.BottomOffset = -6 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 19 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 66 WinHeight = 335 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 536 Top = 108 end object RightShad: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = RightPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 181 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frHollowBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 63 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.Index = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 832 Top = 16 end object InfoPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 100 WinLeft = 350 WinTop = 104 WinWidth = 360 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 46 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 114 aowWindow = mainPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 11 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 264 Top = 152 end object InfoShad: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = InfoPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 360 WinHeight = 114 FrameType = frHollowBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 63 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.Index = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 312 Top = 152 end object InfoPilL: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 196 WinTop = 455 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72 Alignment.LeftOffset = -24 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 45 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 115 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 364 Top = 152 end object InfoPilR: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 2000 WinLeft = 575 WinTop = 455 AOWWindow = mainPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 27.500000000000000000 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = -24 Alignment.TopOffset = 45 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 29 WinHeight = 115 FrameType = frVertLine ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILLine.Index = 120 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 412 Top = 152 end object LeftShad: TaowFrame DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 WinWidth = 181 WinHeight = 371 FrameType = frHollowBox ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 63 ILLine.IdealHeight = 0 ILLine.Index = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile Left = 712 Top = 16 end object aowPanel1: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 80 WinWidth = 216 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 70 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 10 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 23 aowWindow = EditPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 760 Top = 224 end object B1: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 91.699996948242200000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 608 Top = 272 end object B2: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 8.300000190734860000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 83.300003051757800000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 656 Top = 272 end object B3: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 36 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 16.700000762939500000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 75 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 704 Top = 272 end object B4: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 54 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 25 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 66.666656494140600000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 744 Top = 272 end object B5: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 72 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 33.333301544189500000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 58.333301544189500000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 784 Top = 272 end object B6: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 90 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 41.666599273681600000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 824 Top = 272 end object B7: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 108 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 50 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 41.666000366210900000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 608 Top = 312 end object B8: TaowCheckBox Tag = 7 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 126 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 58.333301544189500000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 33.333301544189500000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 656 Top = 312 end object B9: TaowCheckBox Tag = 8 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 144 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 66.666603088378900000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 25 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 704 Top = 312 end object B10: TaowCheckBox Tag = 9 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 162 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 75 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 16.666700363159200000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 744 Top = 312 end object B11: TaowCheckBox Tag = 10 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 180 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 83.333297729492200000 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 8.333299636840820000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 784 Top = 312 end object B12: TaowCheckBox Tag = 11 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 198 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 91.666603088378900000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 31 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 31 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 31 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 31 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 18 WinHeight = 23 Checked = False OnChange = B1Change RadioIndex = 1 Left = 824 Top = 312 end object FacePnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 11 WinTop = 11 WinWidth = 159 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 6 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 6 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 349 aowWindow = RightPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 674 Top = 368 end object F1: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 408 end object FaceR1: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 84 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 53 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 408 end object F2: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1028 Top = 408 end object F3: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR1 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 408 end object F4: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 456 end object FaceR2: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 56 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 17 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 54 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 456 end object F5: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1028 Top = 456 end object F6: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR2 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 456 end object F7: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 496 end object FaceR3: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 113 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 34 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50.599998474121100000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 51 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 496 end object F8: TaowCheckBox Tag = 7 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1028 Top = 496 end object F9: TaowCheckBox Tag = 8 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 496 end object F10: TaowCheckBox Tag = 9 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 544 end object FaceR4: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 168 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 51 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 544 end object F11: TaowCheckBox Tag = 10 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1029 Top = 544 end object F12: TaowCheckBox Tag = 11 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 51 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 544 end object FaceR6: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 222 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 67 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 17 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 54 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 592 end object F13: TaowCheckBox Tag = 12 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 592 end object F14: TaowCheckBox Tag = 13 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1028 Top = 592 end object F15: TaowCheckBox Tag = 14 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 592 end object FaceR7: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 279 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 84 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 53 aowWindow = FacePlace ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 964 Top = 640 end object F16: TaowCheckBox Tag = 15 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 996 Top = 640 end object F17: TaowCheckBox Tag = 16 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 51 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1028 Top = 640 end object F18: TaowCheckBox Tag = 17 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = F1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 100 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FaceR7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 49 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = F1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 1060 Top = 640 end object CharacterPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 11 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 10 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 349 aowWindow = RightPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 480 Top = 284 end object WizardCB1: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 536 Top = 356 end object aowPanel3: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 84 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 50 aowWindow = CharDef ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 459 Top = 236 end object WizardCB2: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 356 end object WizardCB3: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel3 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 600 Top = 356 end object WizardCB4: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 536 Top = 404 end object aowPanel4: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 54 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 17 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 50 aowWindow = CharDef ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 504 Top = 404 end object WizardCB5: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 404 end object WizardCB6: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel4 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 600 Top = 404 end object WizardCB7: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 536 Top = 444 end object aowPanel5: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 107 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 34 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50.599998474121100000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 49 aowWindow = CharDef ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 504 Top = 444 end object WizardCB8: TaowCheckBox Tag = 7 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 444 end object WizardCB9: TaowCheckBox Tag = 8 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel5 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 600 Top = 444 end object WizardCB10: TaowCheckBox Tag = 9 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 536 Top = 492 end object aowPanel6: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 159 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 49 aowWindow = CharDef ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 504 Top = 492 end object WizardCB11: TaowCheckBox Tag = 10 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 492 end object WizardCB12: TaowCheckBox Tag = 11 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel6 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 600 Top = 492 end object aowPanel7: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 211 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 67 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 17 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 50 aowWindow = CharDef ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 504 Top = 540 end object WizardCB13: TaowCheckBox Tag = 12 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 536 Top = 540 end object WizardCB14: TaowCheckBox Tag = 13 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 568 Top = 540 end object WizardCB15: TaowCheckBox Tag = 14 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = WizardCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel7 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 50 Checked = False OnChange = WizardCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 600 Top = 540 end object CustomizeWizardCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = CustomizeWizardCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 300 AOWWindow = CharacterPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 86 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = CustomizeWizardCBChange RadioIndex = 0 Left = 544 Top = 588 end object CharDef: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 17 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 315 aowWindow = CharacterPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 423 Top = 236 end object Choose: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 14 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = CharacterPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Choose Wizard' Left = 503 Top = 234 end object InfoMemo: TaowMemo DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 4 WinTop = 6 AOWWindow = InfoPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 1 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 1 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 5 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 0 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 0 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 ILFont.ColorSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILTNormal.IdealHeight = 0 ILTNormal.Index = 1 ILTNormal.OffsetX = 0 ILTNormal.OffsetY = 0 ILTNormal.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 WinWidth = 352 WinHeight = 103 BorderWidth = 5 BorderHeight = 0 VScrollBar = InfoSB Items.Strings = ( '') ItemHeight = 11 VisibleItems = 9 TextAlign = taCenter CursorChar = '|' BlinkDelay = 0 Editable = False Left = 632 Top = 134 end object HeaderLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 44 WinTop = 11 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Your character:' Left = 672 Top = 78 end object SphereLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 69 WinTop = 37 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 10 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Sphere' Left = 720 Top = 86 end object SphereNameLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 70 WinTop = 111 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '####' Left = 816 Top = 86 end object SkillLbl2: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 60 WinTop = 177 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '######' Left = 776 Top = 182 end object SkillLbl1: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 60 WinTop = 156 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 42 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 16384 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '######' Left = 720 Top = 182 end object SkillLbl3: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 60 WinTop = 197 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 53 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = clMaroon ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '######' Left = 824 Top = 182 end object aowCheckBox19: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = False OnDrawRect = aowCheckBox19DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 65 WinTop = 56 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 36 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 36 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 15 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 72 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 51 WinHeight = 48 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 768 Top = 88 end object RaceLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 56 WinTop = 249 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Start Race' Left = 712 Top = 134 end object aowCheckBox20: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = False OnDrawRect = aowCheckBox20DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 65 WinTop = 267 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 36 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 36 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 72 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 15 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 51 WinHeight = 48 Checked = False OnChange = ItemCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 768 Top = 136 end object RaceNameLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 70 WinTop = 319 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 86 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '####' Left = 816 Top = 134 end object LeftDeco: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 111 AOWWindow = LeftPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 10 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 30 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.MDeco ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 145 WinHeight = 149 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 100 Left = 672 Top = 14 end object RightDeco: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 111 AOWWindow = RightPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 10 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 30 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 30 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.MDeco ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 145 WinHeight = 149 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 100 Left = 784 Top = 14 end object CustomLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 14 WinTop = 281 AOWWindow = CharacterPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 80.500000000000000000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Or Create Wizard' Left = 504 Top = 590 end object SpherePnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 11 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 10 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 349 aowWindow = RightPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 448 Top = 644 end object FireCB: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 99 WinTop = 122 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 68 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 51 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 46 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 632 Top = 660 end object AirCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 122 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 68 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 35 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 51 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 46 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 560 Top = 660 end object LifeCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 98 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 28 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 58 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 592 Top = 644 end object WaterCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 178 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 68 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 51 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 46 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 560 Top = 708 end object EarthCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 99 WinTop = 178 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 68 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 51 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 35 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 46 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 632 Top = 708 end object DeathCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 202 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 58 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 28 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 592 Top = 732 end object CosmosCB: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = FireCBDrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 150 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 43 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 43 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 45 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 46 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 11 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 45 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 49 Checked = False OnChange = FireCBChange RadioIndex = 1 Left = 592 Top = 684 end object SphereHeader: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 15 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = SpherePnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Choose Sphere' Left = 525 Top = 282 end object RacePnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 10 WinLeft = 18 WinTop = 11 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 10 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 10 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 349 aowWindow = RightPnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 692 Top = 364 end object RaceCB1: TaowCheckBox DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel9 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 760 Top = 412 end object aowPanel9: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 59 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 17 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 56 aowWindow = RacePnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 728 Top = 412 end object RaceCB2: TaowCheckBox Tag = 1 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel9 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 792 Top = 412 end object RaceCB3: TaowCheckBox Tag = 2 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel9 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 824 Top = 412 end object RaceCB4: TaowCheckBox Tag = 3 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 760 Top = 452 end object aowPanel10: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 119 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 34 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 50.599998474121100000 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 53 aowWindow = RacePnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 728 Top = 452 end object RaceCB5: TaowCheckBox Tag = 4 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 792 Top = 452 end object RaceCB6: TaowCheckBox Tag = 5 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel10 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 53 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 824 Top = 452 end object RaceCB7: TaowCheckBox Tag = 6 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 760 Top = 500 end object aowPanel11: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 176 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 50.500000000000000000 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 54 aowWindow = RacePnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 728 Top = 500 end object RaceCB8: TaowCheckBox Tag = 7 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 792 Top = 500 end object RaceCB9: TaowCheckBox Tag = 8 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel11 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 54 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 824 Top = 500 end object aowPanel12: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 234 WinWidth = 145 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 67 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 17 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 56 aowWindow = RacePnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 728 Top = 548 end object RaceCB10: TaowCheckBox Tag = 9 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.RightOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 760 Top = 548 end object RaceCB11: TaowCheckBox Tag = 10 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 49 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 34 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 34 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 47 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 792 Top = 548 end object RaceCB12: TaowCheckBox Tag = 11 DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnDrawRect = RaceCB1DrawRect Priority = 99999 WinLeft = 97 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = aowPanel12 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 67 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.IL = ILs.Fr_Main ILFrame.Index = 71 ILFrame.OffsetX = 0 ILFrame.OffsetY = 0 ILFrame.TextureType = intScale ILFrame.IndexHighlighted = 79 ILFrame.IndexDisabled = 71 ILFrame.IndexSelected = 130 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 13 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intScale ILTexture.IndexHighlighted = 13 ILTexture.IndexDisabled = 13 ILTexture.IndexSelected = 13 ILIcon.IdealHeight = 0 ILIcon.Index = 0 ILIcon.OffsetX = 0 ILIcon.OffsetY = 0 ILIcon.TextureType = intTile ILIcon.IndexHighlighted = 0 ILIcon.IndexDisabled = 0 ILIcon.IndexSelected = 0 ILButton.IdealHeight = 0 ILButton.Index = 30 ILButton.IndexSelected = 33 ILButton.IndexHighlighted = 30 ILButton.IndexDisabled = 30 ILButton.ButtonType = intIconLine ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW16 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 8454143 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontShadowed ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = -1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = 1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 16 ILFont.ColorSelected = 13694194 ILFont.ColorShadowSelected = clBlack ILFont.ColorHighlighted = 15201784 ILFont.ColorShadowHighlighted = clBlack BorderHeight = -2 BorderHeightSelected = -2 WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 56 Checked = False OnChange = RaceCB1Change RadioIndex = 0 Left = 824 Top = 548 end object RaceHeader: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 26 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = RacePnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Choose Race' Left = 736 Top = 362 end object mainPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 790 WinTop = 560 WinWidth = 800 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 570 aowWindow = CustomizeWizardDlg ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 0 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 24 Top = 56 end object btmPnl: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 570 WinWidth = 800 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.TopOffPercent = 95 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 30 aowWindow = CustomizeWizardDlg ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.Text_Main ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 280 Top = 224 end object aowImage16: TaowImage DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 0 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = btmPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.IL = ILs.StoneGFX ILTexture.Index = 28 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile AnimStart = 0 AnimEnd = 0 WinWidth = 800 WinHeight = 9 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 1 Left = 324 Top = 220 end object InfoLbl: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True OnUpdate = InfoLblUpdate Priority = 545 WinLeft = 380 WinTop = 11 AOWWindow = btmPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 2 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 14286847 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = clBlack ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = '####' Left = 368 Top = 216 end object aowLabel3: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 39 WinTop = 11 AOWWindow = SkillsSelectionPnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 3 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Assign Skills' Left = 220 Top = 234 end object FacePlace: TaowPanel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 10 WinLeft = 5 WinTop = 17 WinWidth = 149 Masked = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 3 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 3 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 5 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinHeight = 332 aowWindow = FacePnl ILTexture.IdealHeight = 0 ILTexture.Index = 1 ILTexture.OffsetX = 0 ILTexture.OffsetY = 0 ILTexture.TextureType = intTile ILFrame.IdealHeight = 0 ILFrame.Index = 0 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 679 Top = 368 end object aowLabel4: TaowLabel DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Priority = 0 WinLeft = 56 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = FacePnl CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 20 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ILFont.IL = Fonts.AoW13 ILFont.Manager = Fonts.AoWStandard ILFont.Color = 2699860 ILFont.ColorShadow = clBlack ILFont.ColorDisabled = 5860459 ILFont.ColorShadowDisabled = clBlack ILFont.Style = intFontNormal ILFont.ShadowOffsetX = 1 ILFont.ShadowOffsetY = -1 ILFont.IdealHeight = 13 Text = 'Choose Portrait' Left = 989 Top = 362 end object Translator: TIvTranslator DictionaryName = 'AoW' Left = 16 Top = 184 TargetsData = ( 1 3 ( '' 'Items' 0) ( '' 'Text' 0) ( '' 'ToolTipText' 0)) end object InfoSB: TaowVScrollBar DefaultCursor = crArrow Enabled = True Visible = False Priority = 0 WinLeft = 384 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = InfoPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True Sfx.Volume = -1 Sfx.Frequency = -1 Sfx.FreqDelta = 0 ChangeDelay = 100 Min = 0 Max = 0 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 1 Position = 0 WinHeight = 192 WinWidth = 16 NumberVisible = 1 VanishWhenFull = True ILBInc.IdealHeight = 0 ILBInc.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBInc.Index = 63 ILBInc.IndexSelected = 64 ILBInc.IndexHighlighted = 65 ILBInc.IndexDisabled = 63 ILBInc.ButtonType = intIcon ILBDec.IdealHeight = 0 ILBDec.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBDec.Index = 60 ILBDec.IndexSelected = 61 ILBDec.IndexHighlighted = 62 ILBDec.IndexDisabled = 60 ILBDec.ButtonType = intIcon ILBTab.IdealHeight = 0 ILBTab.IL = ILs.Scrollbars ILBTab.Index = 66 ILBTab.IndexSelected = 69 ILBTab.IndexHighlighted = 66 ILBTab.IndexDisabled = 66 ILBTab.ButtonType = intLine Left = 672 Top = 138 end end