********************************************************************* *** Welcome to Quake Shareware v1.01! *** ********************************************************************* Please consult the README.TXT file for the latest-breaking information on this Quake version! Quake System Requirements ------------------------- IBM PC and Compatibles Pentium processor HIGHLY recommended, 486DX4/100 Minimally required VGA Compatible Display or better 8MB RAM minimum, 16MB recommended (16 MB required for running under Win95) CD-ROM drive Required MS-DOS 5.0 or better or Windows 95 (does NOT run under Windows NT) Hard Drive (30MB for Shareware, 80 MB for Registered) *** IMPORTANT!: Quake requires a floating point processor. Systems that do not have an FPU installed will not run Quake -- at all. Installing Quake: You must install Quake to your hard drive before you can play, it will not run off the CD-ROM. Place the CD-ROM into your drive, log on to that drive (i.e. 'D:\') type 'INSTALL' and press Enter. If you have downloaded Quake via modem, simply go to the directory you've placed Quake in, unzip it, type 'INSTALL' and press Enter. Thank you, id Software, inc.