Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Super-Creator Character Stat Editor ------------------------------------- Please enable word-wrap to view file ------------------------------------- Installation: Included in the .zip file is a 'races.txt' file which should be extracted to the 'core\tables' directory under your Fallout BOS directory. If the folder 'tables' does not exist, create it. Explanation: The races.txt contains a list of tabular data that pertains to certain settings within the game, relating to the different species that you can select, and what settings for stats etc. they begin with. The included races.txt has set the human's initial character settings so that strength, perception, endurance, etc are all set to 50, creating a god-like character. These settings render the 5 bonus character points unuseable. To create a character more to your own liking, having pre set stats, you can change the file in the following ways: Initiallly, you need to open races.txt with your favorite text-editor (notepad.exe) and scroll down to the heading 'MIN STAT RANGES', look for the listing for 'Human' and see that the stats are set to 50 for Min, Med and Max. To create a character that has above average stats, you can change the listing to this: 1, <-- Minimum 6, <-- Medium 10, <-- Maximum. These settings will give you 7 extra skill points, emulating the use of the Perk 'Gifted' only, you wont get the Skill Point penalties incurred with actually choosing this perk. To create a character that is actually better than the rest of your squad: 2, 7, 10, <-- these settings, enabled for each of the S,P,E,C,I,A and L stats, will give you 14 'cheated' character points, plus the 5 standard bonus points to use. A good starting character, using the above settings can them look something like this: Strength: 08: Great Perception: 09: Excellent Endurance: 08: Great Charisma: 07: V.Good Intelligence: 07: V.Good Agility: 09: Excellent Luck: 06: Good <-- This character will still get wounded and challenged, but he will now have a greater range of traits to choose from when he leves up, now that he has at least 6 in every stat. This character would also be a great sniper, but if you wanted, you could choose 'Good Natured' perk and have some skill point redistribution and make him a tad more intellectual. For more customised character, you can use settings that will award your character up to 50 points in the Luck stat, so that you can choose Jinxed, and have everybody else fail critically all the time? Or just gamble for whatever you want or need. In the end, you Human SPECIAL table may look something like this:: statbase_Human = { // S P E C I A L { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 10}, // 399 min special { 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 10}, // 394 median special { 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15}, // 399 max special } Theoretically, the above character is an extremely lucky, super-tough grunt type, with the ability to spend/redistribute and additional 5 (default) character points. Elsewhere in the races.txt are tables allowing you to change the cut-off points for upgrades in unarmed combat attacks - such as Spin Kick and Haymaker, that are only available to higher leveled characters. You can change the level numbers so that you're doing major damage on low skill levels. Of course, changing the settings for the other character types will only help your multiplayer characters of the same race. ----------==----------- As with any game-modifying file, changing these numbers can result in unstable gameplay. If you find that you are experiencing a game crash every time you are trying to punch, or every level up, or every time you modify your inventory, you may find that it is because of an illegal setting in the races.txt. Please note, that, after character creation, you can delete or rename the races.txt (to racesq.txtq) so that the game can no longer find the edited settings. You character will retain his stats, and continue on as though it were like you had 20 bonus char. points rather than just 5, as t'were. Since core'tables and/or races.txt didn't exist before you extracted them, there are no files to back up, but hang onto those old saved games just in case...