EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS FILE: (Before_Op1_Mis1_Everything) has everything from weapons to Mechs (I.S only). I think they last for only in that mission (Op1 Mis1). Those unlimited buys for weapons and mechs WILL NOT carry on to the next mission. But whatever you had buy during Op1 Mis1, WILL be carried to the next mission. The same goes for 2 more files: Everything-MechGold Op1 Mis1.sav Everything-OriCampaign Op1 Mis1.sav Others are just full salvaged saved games from op1 - op2 (Original Campaign) This file should be extracted to your saved games directory. For those who has the Old Mechcommander game, should be in here: (c:\Program Files\FasaInteractive\MechCmdr\data\savegame) For those who has the Mechcommander Gold, it should be here: (C:\Program Files\MicroProse\MCX\data\savegame) The other 2 files are for enabling the official cheats that were provided to us by THE OFFICIALS of course..... Just extract them to your Mechcommander directory: (c:\Program Files\FasaInteractive\MechCmdr) As for the Mechcommander Gold version: (C:\Program Files\MicroProse\MCX) And replace (Windows.fit) with one of this files (refer below): (buymechcommander.2) = enabling cheats for those who did not upgrade their mechcmdr to version 1.8 (ixtlriimceourl) = enabling cheats for the 1.8 version of mechcmdr and those with the Meccmdr Gold Version. Added 2 more new files that actually CALCULATES the configurations that YOU choose in terms of fire power, weight, damage and rps needed for them. It lists EVERYTHING you need to know about the mechs and weapons in details!! It really, really, really helped me a lot during my days in the team played over at MPlayer.com (that was 2 yrs ago...)!! ^.^ * anyone who had dwnlded my previous file, there was an error. I had placed a file exactly as above (ixtlriimceourl.fit) but with an extension. Causing the cheats not working. I'm soooo sorry about that. So now, I placed everything neatly with easy explaination. Hope they won't cause any troubles at all! ^.^ The Cheat codes: These cheats must be typed in during the Logistics Phase: (a.k.a the phase where you purchase, sell, or equip anything in the mechbay) : poundofflesh - Adds 1,000,000 Resource Points. rockandrollpeople - Removes Drop Weight Limit on current mission (but receive penalty -minus rp- if you use it) hereitcomes - You get 1 of each weapons. Even the Sniper cannon which, unfortunately isn't sold. mitchlovesyou - Repairs all mechs in the Bay. healall - makes your pilots healthy again. ^.^ GAMEPLAY CHEATS: These cheats must be typed in during the mission: CTRL-ALT-W - This jumps to "Mission Successful" screen. osmiu - God mode (stays until you quit Mechcmdr and just type it again to turn it off). lorrie - Repairs damaged Armour/Weapons. lordbunny - Gives unlimited, instantaneous (2 secs) artillery strikes. Press b and left-click to issue a strike (stays until you quit Mechcmdr, type it again to turn it off). mineeyeshaveseentheglory - Reveals map. deadeye - This gives all your pilots full Gunnery skills. framegraph - Shows a graph of MechCommander's framerate over time glennrocksthehouse - Full salvage of the mechs you destroyed. Type at the beginning of the mission b4 you start anything. Just to be sure that you won't leave anything behind. BUT!! DO NOT peek at the salvage tab!! Or else you'll just lose everything that was or were salvaged! CTRL-L - Chart the map * Take a Note b4 emaILing me......These save games, has not been edited in ANY way. They consists of some glitches, a patch for the MadCat (Everything-OriCampaign Op1 Mis1.sav and Before_Op1_Mis1_Everything.sav) and added with some of those cheat codes above! I had not touch anything, hack or edit any of the game's files. * For the Configuration file was made by The Death's Head Brigade team. That was passed to me by someone I can't remember. But thanks to him for sending me those 2 files. Just e-mail me if u guyz have any probs regarding to my saved game ok? I think it will work fine coz they are just SAVED game files..... ^.^ Ami (ami21@hotmail.com) *was a Widowmaker called WM_GTti ^.^