// --- CHAPITRE A --- // ------------- LES PETS DE LA MACHINE -------------------- dial dpet01,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet01) fin_dial dial dpet02,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet02) fin_dial dial dpet03,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet03) fin_dial dial dpet04,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet04) fin_dial dial dpet05,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet05) fin_dial dial dpet06,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet06) fin_dial dial dpet07,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet07) fin_dial dial dpet08,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet08) fin_dial dial dpet09,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet09) fin_dial dial dpet10,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet10) fin_dial dial dpet11,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet11) fin_dial dial dpet12,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet12) fin_dial dial dpet13,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet13) fin_dial dial dpet14,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet14) fin_dial dial dpet15,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet15) fin_dial dial dpet16,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet16) fin_dial dial dpet17,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet17) fin_dial dial dpet18,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet18) fin_dial dial dpet19,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet19) fin_dial dial dpet20,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet20) fin_dial dial dpet21,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet21) fin_dial dial dpet22,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet22) fin_dial dial dpet23,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet23) fin_dial dial dpet24,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet24) fin_dial dial dpet25,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet25) fin_dial dial dpet26,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet26) fin_dial dial dpet27,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet27) fin_dial dial dpet28,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet28) fin_dial dial dpet29,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet29) fin_dial dial dpet30,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet30) fin_dial dial dpet31,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet31) fin_dial dial dpet32,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet32) fin_dial dial dpet33,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet33) fin_dial dial dpet34,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet34) fin_dial dial dpet35,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet35) fin_dial dial dpet36,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet36) fin_dial dial dpet37,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet37) fin_dial dial dpet38,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet38) fin_dial dial dpet39,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet39) fin_dial dial dpet40,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet40) fin_dial dial dpet41,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet41) fin_dial dial dpet42,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet42) fin_dial dial dpet43,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet43) fin_dial dial dpet44,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet44) fin_dial dial dpet45,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet45) fin_dial dial dpet46,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet46) fin_dial dial dpet47,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet47) fin_dial dial dpet48,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet48) fin_dial dial dpet49,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet49) fin_dial dial dpet50,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet50) fin_dial dial dpet51,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet51) fin_dial dial dpet52,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet52) fin_dial dial dpet53,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet53) fin_dial dial dpet54,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet54) fin_dial dial dpet55,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet55) fin_dial dial dpet56,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet56) fin_dial dial dpet57,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet57) fin_dial dial dpet58,OFF <""> <""> apres supprime_dial(dpet58) fin_dial // --------------------------------------------- // --- A01 LES CHIOTTES ------------------------ // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------- dial d043a,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"I am a professional..." "you will not get away from me!"> apres supprime_dial(d043a) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d043b,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"You are going to die a horribly" "excruciating death..."> apres supprime_dial(d043b) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d043c,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"DIIIIIE...don't you know what to die means?" "It means you will be close friend with the maggots!"> apres supprime_dial(d043c) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d043d,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"D-I-E...DIE...DIE...DIE YOU WILL" "DEAD,DEAD AND DEAD"> apres supprime_dial(d043d) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d044a,LIPSYNC // Bud regarde les chiottes // --------------------- <""> <"Whew...man's best invention...besides the TV of course..."> apres supprime_dial(d044a) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d044b,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Occupied"> apres supprime_dial(d044b) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d044c,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Must have been something I hate..."> apres supprime_dial(d044C) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d044d,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Whew I'm never eatin at Chili John's again"> apres supprime_dial(d044d) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d044e,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"I suggest you find another facility, this one condemed"> apres supprime_dial(d044e) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d046,LIPSYNC // Bud prend le Destop // --------------------- <""> <"Coool ! This may come in handy."> apres supprime_dial(d046) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d047,OFF // gros plan PQ Candy // --------------------- <""> <"This pretty paper with the flowers on it, must be Candy's"> apres supprime_dial(d047) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d048,LIPSYNC // Bud prend PQ Candy // --------------------- <""> <"It smells like sunkissed dew drops on strawberry leaves," "just perfect for Candy's sweet little bum"> apres supprime_dial(d048) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d049,OFF // gros plan PQ Gorgious // --------------------- <""> <"Wowww...Gorgious's heavy duty steel-reinforced industrial ass-wipe"> apres supprime_dial(d049) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d050,LIPSYNC // Bud prend PQ Gorgious // --------------------- <""> <"This stuff is bullet proof !"> apres supprime_dial(d050) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d075,LIPSYNC // Bud a tiré la chasse d'eau // --------------------- <""> <"That sound reminds me of my mother-in-laws baptism."> apres supprime_dial(d075) fin_dial // --------------------------------------------- // --- A02 LE TOIT PERE NOEL ------------------- // --------------------------------------------- // --------------------- dial d_pnoel,OFF // --------------------- <""> <""> apres ajoute_dial_fin(d052A) ajoute_dial_fin(d052B) lance_dial() fin_dial // Phrases du dialogue interactif BUD-PERE NOEL // --------------------- dial d051b,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"Helllllllpppp me little children...."> apres supprime_dial(d051b) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d052A,OFF // --------------------- <"Who's there ?"> <"Who's there ?"> apres si (dial_who <> 0) joue_video("A02V03A07") sinon joue_video("A02V03A08") dial_who=1 fin_si ajoute_dial_fin(d052c) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d052B,OFF // --------------------- <"Hey what's going on down there ?"> <"Hey what's going on down there ?"> apres supprime_dial(d052B) joue_video("A02V03A09") ajoute_dial_fin(d052D) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d052C,OFF // --------------------- <"Woww sounds like there's some kind of monkey stuck in the chimney..."> <"Woww sounds like there's some kind of monkey with diarreha stuck in the chimney..." "...it sounds like a talking monkey."> apres supprime_dial(d052C) joue_video("A02V03A10") fin_dial // --------------------- dial d052D,OFF // --------------------- <"Man I'm hungry, I think I'll go get some peanuts"> <"Man I'm hungry, I think I'll go get some peanuts"> apres supprime_dial(d052D) joue_video("A02V03A11") quitte_dial() fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A03 LA CRYPTE ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d057,LIPSYNC // Bud essaie de prendre la clé // --------------------- <"You won't be needing this dead dude ! Gimme that key!"> <"You won't be needing this dead dude ! Gimme that key!"> apres supprime_dial(d057) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d058,LIPSYNC // Bud regarde le fut de dioxine // --------------------- <""> <"Oh a can of sulpheric acid, man this stuff should do the trick"> apres supprime_dial(d058) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A04 LA CAVE ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d060,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Wow I'd hate to see all the cheese that mouse eats"> apres supprime_dial(D060) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A16 COULOIR RDC ---------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A12 LA CUISINE ----------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d067,OFF // --------------------- <""> <"This will come in handy...cool."> apres supprime_dial(D067) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A11 LE GARAGE ------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d068,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Alright...I found my magazine collection..."> apres supprime_dial(d068) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d069,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Great my inflatable boob," "I can't wait till Thursday..."> apres supprime_dial(d069) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d070,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Ah..rockets for Stereo's barbecue."> apres supprime_dial(d070) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A13 LA SALLE DE LA CHEMINEE ---------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d071,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"I love playing with my organ."> apres supprime_dial(d071) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d072,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"That's weird...You can go down the chimney but you can't go up it..."> apres supprime_dial(d072) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A07 LA CHAMBRE DE CANDY -------------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d073,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"The smell of Candy's potpourri is gross," "it reminds me of my grandmother's sock drawer."> apres supprime_dial(d073) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d074,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Ah! Nuts, must be hiding something good in his diary."> apres supprime_dial(d074) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d086,OFF // Bud regarde le seche-cheveux gros plan A07V05 // --------------------- <""> <"This is exactly what I need."> apres supprime_dial(d086) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A05 LA SALLE DE LA SOUCOUPE ---------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d076,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Hey guys, Don't move, ol' Bud's going to get" "you out of there right away."> apres supprime_dial(d076) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d077,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Don't panic guys, I've seen this before in a Chuck Maurice film" "in the end everyone who is frozen in the ice," "dies a horrible death in a huge bonfire."> apres supprime_dial(d077) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A08 TV ROOM -------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d078,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Jeeze with all that's racket going on here" "I almost forgot to watch TV"> apres supprime_dial(d078) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d080,LIPSYNC // Bud regarde Alphonso (Off sur A08V05C01) // --------------------- <""> <"Alphonso who said you could watch TV without my permission?"> apres supprime_dial(d080) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d082,LIPSYNC // Bud a ramassé la rallonge // --------------------- <""> <"You never know, this might come in handy..."> apres supprime_dial(d082) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A09 LE TOIT CIGOGNE ------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d_cigo,OFF // DIALOGUE INTERACTIF BUD-CIGOGNE // --------------------- <""> <""> apres si( dial_cigogne <> 0 ) joue_video("A09C04") sinon ajoute_dial_fin(d089A) ajoute_dial_fin(d089B) lance_dial() fin_si fin_dial // --------------------- dial d089A,LIPSYNC // Bud // --------------------- <"Hello Mrs Stork. our roof is a great place" "to hang out isn't it."> <"Hello Mrs Stork. our roof is a great place" "to hang out isn't it."> apres supprime_dial(d089A) joue_video("A09C01") ajoute_dial_fin(d089C) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d089B,LIPSYNC // Bud // --------------------- <"I'd like to go down the chimney please."> <"if you don't mind," "I'd like to go down the chimney please."> apres supprime_dial(d089B) reponse_dial(d090B) ajoute_dial_fin(d089D) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d089C,LIPSYNC // Bud // --------------------- <"Move your butt bird-brain..."> <"Move your butt bird-brain..."> apres supprime_dial(d089C) joue_video("A09C03") ajoute_dial_fin(d089D) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d089D,LIPSYNC // changer LIPSYNC en CODE // --------------------- <"Well, OK, I'll be going now..."> <"Well, OK, I'll be going now..."> apres supprime_dial(d089D) // joue_video("A09V03C07") reponse_dial(d090D) dial_cigogne=1 quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d090A,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"Your roof? You outta your mind buddy..."> apres supprime_dial(d090A) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d090B,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"Get lost crater face..."> apres supprime_dial(d090B) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d090C,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"The last guy who called a me bird-brain ended up" "in the east river with a tire iron for a hat!"> apres supprime_dial(d090C) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d090D,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"That's right, go back to mommy," "she'll change your diapers"> apres supprime_dial(d090D) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d091,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"you still here ? Get outta here mucus mouth" "you're blocking the view!"> apres supprime_dial(d091) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d092,ANIM // Cigogne // --------------------- <""> <"Pack up your junk and haul your" "Jehovah witness's ass outta here!"> apres supprime_dial(d092) reponse_dial(d092) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A14 EXTERIEUR DE LA MAISON ----------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d096,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Boyohboyohboy, shouldn't be walking on the grass." "I tried it once in Switzerland and got five years hard time..."> apres supprime_dial(d096) fin_dial // ------------------------------------------------ // --- A15 LE LABO SECRET ------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------ // --------------------- dial d108,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Humm..."> apres supprime_dial(d108) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d109,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"This invention is obsolete now."> apres supprime_dial(d109) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d110,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Well, not exactly perfected...anyway, gotta find my papers."> apres supprime_dial(d110) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d111,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Ohhhhhh....where in the hell did I leave my thermonuclear bacon and eggs?"> apres supprime_dial(d111) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d112,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Jumpin Zeeeeebra skins!"> apres supprime_dial(d112) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d113,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Oh my flying Zeeeebrus!..."> apres supprime_dial(d113) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d114,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Wait, now I remember, I left it in the safe..."> apres supprime_dial(d114) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d115a,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"My electric computer friend."> apres supprime_dial(d115a) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d_comp1,OFF // --------------------- <""> <""> apres ajoute_dial_fin(d117) ajoute_dial_fin(d125) ajoute_dial_fin(d119) lance_dial() fin_dial // -------------------------------------------- // Phrases du dialogue interactif ETNO-COMPUTER // -------------------------------------------- // --------------------- dial d115,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <""> <"Good morning my electric computer friend..." "I need to get into the safe to get something very important..."> apres supprime_dial(d115) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d116,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Hello Etno, how are you my dear friend?..." "Were you able to get the phone number of" "the famous Maurice for me like I asked?..."> apres supprime_dial(d116) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d117,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"Who in Zebra's name is Maurice?..."> <"Who in Zebra's name is Maurice?..."> apres supprime_dial(d117) reponse_dial(d118) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d118,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Maurice? The famous Maurice? Haha Maurice...." "Boy what I'd give to see the famous Maurice..."> apres supprime_dial(d118) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d119,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"I need you to open the door to the safe for me."> <"Ahhum, I need you to open the door to the safe for me."> apres supprime_dial(d119) supprime_dial(d117) supprime_dial(d129) supprime_dial(d125) ajoute_dial_fin(d123) ajoute_dial_fin(d121) reponse_dial(d120) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d120,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"It's true, I can open the door to the safe." "But why should I open it?"> apres supprime_dial(d120) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d121,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"There are times in a computers life when it must obey without asking questions."> <"There are times in a computers life when it must obey without asking questions."> apres supprime_dial(d121) ajoute_dial_fin(d123) ajoute_dial_fin(d125) reponse_dial(d122) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d122,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"I agree, but there are also times when a computer must know how to say NO!"> apres supprime_dial(d122) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d123,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"But I'm asking you very politely, you can't refuse..."> <"But I'm asking you very politely, you can't refuse..."> apres supprime_dial(d123) ajoute_dial_fin(d137) reponse_dial(d124) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d124,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"That is not enough of a reason for me to open the door my dear Etno..."> apres supprime_dial(d124) ajoute_dial_fin(d137) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d125,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"Lovely day for a game of cricket isn't it?"> <"Lovely day for a game of cricket isn't it?"> apres supprime_dial(d125) supprime_dial(d117) supprime_dial(d119) supprime_dial(d137) supprime_dial(d123) ajoute_dial_fin(d127) ajoute_dial_fin(d129) reponse_dial(d126) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d126,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Don't avoid the issue my friend, I know that you didn't" "come here to talk about cricket did you?..."> apres supprime_dial(d126) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d127,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"But of course I came here to talk about cricket!"> <"But of course I came here to talk about cricket!"> apres supprime_dial(d127) ajoute_dial_fin(d119) reponse_dial(d128) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d128,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"You seem a bit jumpy there Etno, you're not up" "to some sort of funny business are you?"> apres supprime_dial(d128) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d129,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"OK it's true, I'm not here for cricket," "I'm here to collect my dissertation papers."> <"OK it's true, I'm not here for cricket," "I'm here to collect my dissertation papers."> apres supprime_dial(d129) supprime_dial(d127) ajoute_dial_fin(d131) ajoute_dial_fin(d137) reponse_dial(d130) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d130,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"I thought so...if you have come for your lifes work" "that must mean that the space ship is ready." "How nice of you to come and get me for the big trip..."> apres supprime_dial(d130) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d131,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"I'm terribly sorry but there isn't enough room for you..."> <"Well, um, like...there is a slight logistical problem..." "You see the ship only has five seats... and there are five of us" "and ummm...I'm terribly sorry but there isn't enough room for you..."> apres supprime_dial(d131) supprime_dial(d119) ajoute_dial_fin(d133) ajoute_dial_fin(d137) reponse_dial(d132) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d132,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"You lied to me...I was supposed to go with you..." "If I can't go with you I'd rather just disappear completely" "than to stay on this planet....And I won't have even have met the famous Maurice..."> apres supprime_dial(d132) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d133,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"But of course. You will come with us...we would never leave without you..."> <"But of course. You will come with us...we would never leave without you..."> apres supprime_dial(d133) ajoute_dial_fin(d135) reponse_dial(d134) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d134,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"But didn't you say that there were only five seats on the ship?..." "I don't understand, you tell me that I am coming with you" "but that there isn't any room for me..."> apres supprime_dial(d134) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d135,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"But of course there is...there's plenty of space for you" "if I load your memory onto a disk...a disk doesn't take up any room at all..."> <"But of course there is...there's plenty of space for you" "if I load your memory onto a disk...a disk doesn't take up any room at all..."> apres supprime_dial(d135) ajoute_dial_fin(d139) reponse_dial(d136) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d136,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"A disk?...But my memory represents the equivalent of one hundred" "and forty million disks and according to my calculations, the ship's trunk" "will only hold 38...only enough room for my 'Polish in three lessons'."> apres supprime_dial(d136) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d137,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"You're starting to get on my nerves with all your whineing." "Don't forget that I created you, and I can uncreate you so open the safe and shut up!"> <"You're starting to get on my nerves with all your whineing." "Don't forget that I created you, and I can uncreate you so open the safe and shut up!"> apres supprime_dial(d137) reponse_dial(d138) quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d138,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"I knew it! You want to leave me behind like an old toaster..." "Well, you're not going anywhere...you're going to stay" "right here with me until the bitter end!"> apres supprime_dial(d138) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d139,LIPSYNC // --------------------- <"I'm going to make two" "trips...drop the others off and then I 'll come back for you..."> <"OK it's true that there's no room in the ship for you..." "but here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make two" "trips...drop the others off and then I 'll come back for you..."> apres supprime_dial(d139) reponse_dial(d140) quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d140,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Listen my dear friend, I don't need to tell you that this planet is a dangerous place:" "Rampant Pollution, holes in the ozone, people honking when they're stuck behind garbage trucks..." "this planet is bound to disappear sooner than later..."> apres supprime_dial(d140) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d_comp2,OFF // --------------------- <""> <""> apres ajoute_dial_fin(d142A) ajoute_dial_fin(d146) ajoute_dial_fin(d142B) lance_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d141,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Maurice is that you? Unbelieveable? I had given up all hope of meeting you!"> apres supprime_dial(d141) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d142A,ANIM // --------------------- <"Yes it's me, the famous Maurice."> <"Yes it's me, the famous Maurice."> apres supprime_dial(d142A) reponse_dial(d143) ajoute_dial_fin(d144) supprime_dial(d146) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d142B,ANIM // --------------------- <"I need to get something very important out of the safe!..."> <"I need to get something very important out of the safe!..."> apres supprime_dial(d142B) reponse_dial(d148) quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d143,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"You can ask me for anything you want Maurice!..." "but first, I would just love it if you would do your famous 'dentist bit'..."> apres supprime_dial(d143) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d144,ANIM // --------------------- <"Ahhhh...the dentist bit?...oh yeah...well it's the story of a dentist who invites a monkey" "to his wedding...So the monkey goes up to the mother-in-law and says: is that you or Am I" "looking at myself eating bananas with my butt in a rearview mirror!..."> <"Ahhhh...the dentist bit?...oh yeah...well it's the story of a dentist who invites a monkey" "to his wedding...So the monkey goes up to the mother-in-law and says: is that you or Am I" "looking at myself eating bananas with my butt in a rearview mirror!..."> apres supprime_dial(d144) reponse_dial(d145) quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d145,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"I knew it was a trap, Maurice doesn't do a dentist bit..." "Maurice is a great astrophysicist. I knew it was you Etno!" "You won't be going anywhere in your space ship.."> apres supprime_dial(d145) joue_video("A15V02C04") change_scene(GAMEOVER) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d146,ANIM // --------------------- <"I'm not Maurice, my name is Philip and I'm a travelling kumquat salesman."> <"I'm not Maurice, my name is Philip and I'm a travelling kumquat salesman."> apres supprime_dial(d146) reponse_dial(d147) quitte_dial() fin_dial // --------------------- dial d147,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Wooo...I could have sworn that you were Maurice..." "you look so much like him!...you could be his twin."> apres supprime_dial(d147) fin_dial // --------------------- dial d148,ANIM // --------------------- <""> <"Yesssss, your orders are my commands!"> apres supprime_dial(d148) fin_dial