Miracles! I've heard tales about elves, but I've never seen one who is alive! Had we wasted any more time, you would have seen not a live elf, but a dead one, perhaps. Accept my gratitude, Humans. As long as I live I am going to be in your debt, and we Elves live very, very long lives... What fate has brought you here? Everybody knows that the Elves do not interfere in Human affairs. It is true that Human affairs are too shallow and minor for us to deal with. But the misfortune that befell Lord Skrakan is threatening not just one or two generations of Humans, but the whole world's existence! Having realized this, I decided to come to Skrakan's rescue, but I was not strong enough. Our paths seemed to have crossed for a purpose, then! We both have the same goal, and it would be easier to reach it by working together.