Hello, kind woman! May I ask for your advice, please? I happened to lose myself in the forest and then was attacked by robbers. I'm trying to get to the city of Plagat, but I don't know the way. Hail, stranger! Sure, I'll help you, but I have a favor to ask of you as well. The bandits that attacked you used to live in this house. They robbed all passers-by on this road and forced me to serve as their witch. Now that they are dead, I can finally go back to my village. It's not far from Plagat and lies on your way... The only trouble is that I don't know the way myself. When the bandits led me to this house, they blindfolded me. All I know is that the path through the swamps is a long and dangerous one. It would be my pleasure to guide you through the swamps to your village. Let's go!