Postup instalace: 1) Když se vás rozbalovací program zeptá, kam rozbalit data, uveďte adresář, kde máte nainstalován Starcraft 2) z tohoto adresáře spusťte dávku RunMe1st.bat 3) poté rozbalte obsah archivu do adresáře se Starcraftem a zvolte "yes to all" až se vás rozbalovač zeptá. Anglický návod: In order to manually install the Starcraft 1.03 patch you will need to do a few things differently then you may have with previous manual Blizzard patches. You will need to: 1. Extract the contents of the file into your Starcraft directory 2. From the Starcraft directory run the file named RunMe1st.bat by double clicking on it 3. After running the RunMe1st.bat file, extract the contents of to your Starcraft directory, choosing "yes to all" when prompted to overwrite files After completing the above steps you're ready to play the 1.03 version of Starcraft. Have fun!