
This command-line tool waits until a signal is given across the network. Multiple computers can wait for the same signal.

The tool could be useful when testing builds of a piece of software, for example, as the build computer could send out a signal to several computers running WaitFor once the build has completed successfully. On receipt of the signal, the batch file including WaitFor could instruct the computers to immediately start running tests on the build.

The names of the signals that WaitFor uses are file-like, independent and not sensitive to case. Multiple instances of WaitFor can run on a single computer, but each must be waiting for a different signal. A signal can be triggered by using the -s option.

WaitFor runs on Microsoft® Windows® 2000, any version of Microsoft® Windows NT® and on Microsoft® Windows® 95. On Windows 2000 and Windows NT, the computer receiving the signal must be in the same domain as the sending computer. On Windows 95, signal names longer than the 8.3 file name format will be truncated, so use of signal names that comply with the 8.3 standard is advised.

WaitFor command-line switches enable you to specify the number of seconds to wait and the name of the signal for which to waits or which to sends.


One Stepwaitfor [-t timeout] [-s] signalname [-?]


-t timeout
specifies the number of seconds to wait. Default is forever.
sends signalname instead of waiting for it.
specifies the signal for which WaitFor waits or which it sends. Signalname is not case-sensitive.
displays a usage message (as does any error in parsing the command line).




Only one instance of WaitFor can wait for a given signal on a given computer.


waitfor -t 10 espresso\build007
waits 10 seconds or until the "espresso\build007" signal is triggered.

waitfor espresso\build007
waits forever (the default) or until the "espresso\build007" signal is triggered.

waitfor -s espresso\build007
triggers the "espresso\build007" signal.

File Required