Totlproc.exe: Total ProcessorsNEW

TotlProc is a performance counter that measures the memory usage of all installed processors. TotlProc measures processor time on applications launched by the system interrupt.

Installing TotlProc

To install TotlProc, run the following from a command prompt:



Do not use the Run window on the Start menu to install TotlProc.

regedit tp.reg
lodctr perftp.ini
copy perftp.dll %systemroot%\System32\perftp.dll

To verify that the counter was installed correctly, start ExCtrLst. TotalProcessor should appear in the list of extensible counters.

Selecting TotlProc

To select TotlProc:

  1. Start System Monitor.
  2. In the Edit menu, select Add to Chart. In the Add to Chart dialog, select: Total Processor: % Total Processor Time
  3. Select Total Processor in the Object box, click the % Total Processor Time counter, then click the Add button.

Running TotlProc

You can run TotlProc.exe from a command prompt, from the Run window on the Start menu, or create a shortcut to it, then double-click the shortcut.

The processor time value will appear in the TotlProc window in decimal form and in System Monitor in chart, report, alert, or log view. You can minimize TotlProc.exe, but if you stop it, the Total Processor counter in System Monitor will display a value of 0%.



TotlProc is not compatible with other processor time counters. While TotlProc is running, System Monitor and Task Manager processor time counters will always read 100%.

TotlProc Topics

Files Required