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Scope Declaration

A scope declaration has the following format:

<Node ID> <Object identifier> <Poll interval> <Default log setting> [<ODBC data source> <ODBC table name> <ODBC user ID> [<ODBC password>]]


<Node ID>

must be one of the following:

<Object identifier>

is the dotted object identifier within the MIB namespace (for example, "").

<Poll interval>

is the number of seconds between each poll of this monitored node.

<Default log setting>

is one of the following values:

0   Don't log any data unless specified by one of the conditionals.
1   Log all query results, ignoring the log settings in the conditionals.

<ODBC data source>

is the name of the ODBC data source to which to direct logged data.

<ODBC table name>

is the name of the table within the data source to which to direct logged data. If this table does not exist, it will be created.

<ODBC user ID>

is the user ID used to connect to the ODBC data source.

<ODBC password>

is the password used to connect to the ODBC data source. If this parameter is omitted, no password is used.