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Regular Registry Backup on Multiple Computers

Using RegBack in a batch file and a Windows scheduling service, you can automate registry hive backups. You can schedule this batch file to run with the AT service or Task Scheduler.



Make sure the account used to run the batch file has access privliges to the network and the network share. The default System account does not.

The following example batch file assumes that you are backing up to a network share that has already been set up, and that you have the approriate priviliges to get to this share. Because RegBack doesn't overwrite files, they must be deleted before the new ones are added.

echo on
rem ...  name:    doback.bat
rem .... Purpose: Network backup for Registry files
rem ...  Process: Connect to backup share, delete old backup files, copy over new backup files
rem ...  Before using this batch file, create a share containing the following directories: backup, config. Set permissions on this share so that the appropriate user can run this script.

net use \\myshare\backup

rem -->  delete old backups; regback will not copy over an existing file
echo y|del \\myshare\backup\*.*
echo y|del \\myshare\backup\config\*.*

regback \\myshare\backup

rem --> add any items that need to be manually backed up
copy %WINDIR%\Config \\myshare\backup\config

net use \\myshare\backup /delete



RegBack cannot back up files onto a target folder that already contains files with the same names. So be sure to delete all files in the target folder before you attempt a backup.

Also, remember that RegBack does not back up hives that aren't in active use. You must use the Copy or XCopy command to back up unused hive files, such as unused user profiles.