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Remote Console Client Syntax

At the command prompt on the client computer, type:

One Steprclient [\\]servercomputername [/e[ncrypt]] [/logon[:[domainname\]username] [password]] [/s[lowlink]] [/r[unbatch] batchfilename]


Encrypts all data sent, so the contents of the console are only accessible to the Remote Console client. Doing this gives the user a way to keep the console contents secret. The /encrypt option is available only if both the client and the server are running Windows 2000, Windows NT Server version 4.0, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.




The /encrypt option does not work on the French version of Remote Console.

Enables the server to give the Cmd.exe process, which runs on behalf of the client, a logon ID. With this logon ID, the Cmd process uses the client's credentials (domainname, username and password) to make network connections.

Use this option if you are planning to use network connections after connecting to the server.

If a user name is not specified along with /logon, the current user is used. If the password has not been passed in the command line, the user is prompted to enter a password after Remote Console starts. After the user enters the password, the credentials are encrypted and sent to the server. Remote Console follows this process because Windows NT security does not support SecurityDelegation mode, which allows propagating an access token from one server to another.

Note that the /logon option of the client now encrypts the password with a Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm.

Password encryption is available only if both client and server are running Windows 2000, Windows NT Server 4.0, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.

Makes a low-speed connection.

Use this option if the client and the server are linked with a low-speed connection (not a LAN), for example, a RAS connection or a connection over a router.

This option enables both the client and the server to tune their parameters so that the stream of data that goes across the wire relies upon the link speed. If the /slowlink option is not used, the amount of data that goes across the wire is computed regardless of the link speed.

/r[unbatch] batchfilename
Executes a batch file and exits. For example:

rclient \\server /runbatch mycommand.bat

rclient \\server /runbatch "mycommand.bat argument1 argument2 ... argumentn"




The Remote Console client is compatible with any version of Windows NT or Windows 2000, and runs only on these platforms.