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Remote Command Installation

The Resource Kit setup program installs the Remote Command Service files into your Resource Kit folder. No further installation is necessary for the Remote Command client.

To install the Remote Command server

  1. At the command prompt, go to the Resource Kit directory.
  2. Run rcmdsvc -install to install the Remote Command Service. You must have administrative privileges on this computer to do this.
  3. To start the service, run net start rcmdsvc.

You do not have to restart the system for the installation to take effect. There are no configuration options.

Before using Remote Command Server, however, you must start the service.

To start the service

one stepAt the command prompt, run net start rcmdsvc.

To uninstall the service

  1. At the command prompt, go to the Resource Kit directory.
  2. Run net stop rcmdsvc to stop the service.
  3. Run rcmdsvc -uninstall to remove the service.