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Quick Tray Tips

To install standard Quick Tray configurations on multiple computers

  1. Configure a Quick Tray menu on a single computer, using the Quick Tray dialog box or a text editor to create or modify the Quiktray.dat file.
  2. Copy this file to a disk or network share, and then copy it into the directory containing Quiktray.exe on the target computer.

The first time a user starts QuickTray on the target computer, Quick Tray loads the Quiktray.dat data file and creates a menu in the target computer's system tray with the specified links.

Note   Make sure that the applications and documents in the Quick Tray menu are present on the target computer, and that the paths to the files are correct. If the Quick Tray menu includes links to network resources, edit the Quicktray.dat file to make sure that the UNC path name is used, and that the target user has permissions to access the file or program on the remote share. If Quick Tray cannot find a file on the target computer, it will create the file, with no data, and will display a nonfunctional icon in the status area.