Qslice.exe: CPU Usage by Processes

Quick Slice shows the percentage of total CPU usage for each process in the system. This tool is similar to Pstat.exe, but it presents the information in a graphical format.

Using Quick Slice

The QuickSlice window displays the following for all monitored processes:
Item Description
PID (Process ID) The process ID number in hexadecimal format.
Image Name Identifies the executable file name or process associated with a particular item.
% Process CPU Usage Identifies the percentage of total CPU usage associated with a particular process.
  • Red bar = Kernel time
  • Blue bar = user time
  • For the main window, the length of the bar represents (CPU usage for a single process) / (CPU usage for all processes currently running in the system) * 100.
  • For the image-specific window, the length of the bar represents (CPU usage for an individual thread) / (CPU usage for all the threads in this process) * 100.

Double-clicking an image name in the Quick Slice window displays details about the threads of that process. This window shows the paged pool, nonpaged pool and thread ID (TID) for the image.

Specifying the Sampling Interval for Quick Slice

You can specify the sampling interval for Quick Slice at the command prompt. The default is 500 milliseconds.

At the command prompt, type

One Stepstart qslice -t   nnn


-t   nnn

Specifies the display interval in milliseconds. (The default is 500 milliseconds.)

File Required