OEM Support Tools

Installing the OEM Support Tools

The Windows NT 4.0 OEM Support Tools are not installed during Windows 2000 Resource Kit installation. To install them, use the following procedure:

To install the OEM Support Tools

  1. Insert the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD in your CD-ROM drive.
  2. When the setup screen appears, click Explore the CD.
  3. In the <cdroot>\apps\oemsuptools directory, copy support.zip and the other files you need for your platform to a directory (t202alp.zip and t202alps.zip for Alpha-based computers; t202x86 and t202x86s.zip for x86-based computers).
  4. Extract the files from the .zip files.
  5. To install each set of tools, refer to the userdocs.doc file extracted from support.zip. Also refer to the relnote.txt file contained in <cdroot>\apps\oemsuptools directory for known issues and restrictions.

The five .zip files contain the following: