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Installing Microsoft Windows 2000 Certificate Services Add-on for Cisco Enrollment Protocol

The Certificate Services Add-on for Cisco Enrollment Protocol (CEP) runs on Windows 2000 Server.

This tool is not installed by the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Setup. To install it, use the following procedure:

Before You Start

To install Certificate Services Add-on for CEP on a Windows 2000 Root CA

  1. Log on with the appropriate administrative privileges to the server on which the root CA is installed.
  2. Click Start, click Run, then type drive:cepsetup.exe where drive is the CD-ROM drive where the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD is located or the disk drive where you have downloaded cepsetup.exe. (On the Resource Kit companion CD, this file is located in the <cdroot>\Apps\Cep directory.)
  3. In the CEP Setup wizard: