LeakyApp Topics

Using LeakyApp

The LeakyApp status bar

When you run LeakyApp, the My Leaky App dialog box displays a status bar representing current space used and space remaining in the paging files on the hard disks of the local computer. If the computer has more than one paging file, the status bar represents the total space in all paging files.

To activate LeakyApp's memory allocation

One StepIn the My Leaky App dialog box, click Start Leaking.

You can observe the effects of memory allocation by watching the LeakyApp paging-file status bar, or by using Task Manager or System Monitor, which are included with Windows 2000. To observe LeakyApp's performance in System Monitor, chart or log the following counters:

To halt further memory allocation

One StepIn the My Leaky App dialog box, click Stop Leaking.

LeakyApp retains the memory it has allocated but does not allocate more memory.

To release the memory LeakyApp has allocated

One StepIn the My Leaky App dialog box, click Reset.

To quit Leaky App

One StepIn the My Leaky App dialog box, click Exit.

As it closes, LeakyApp releases all memory it has allocated while running.