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JavaReg Examples

Example One

The following command line causes JavaReg to register the Java class Pager:

javareg /register /class:Pager

Because /clsid:CLSID is not specified, JavaReg generates a GUID to be used as the CLSID for the class (it uses the COM API CoCreateGUID).

If you run JavaReg again with the same Java class name, it reuses the CLSID already assigned to the Java class. So you can run the tool with additional options later to reconfigure the class (for example, by specifying the /surrogate option).

Example Two

The following command causes JavaReg to register the Java class Pager using the CLSID {2488D68A-D3BF-11D0-A145-080036006703}:

javareg /register /class:Pager /clsid:{2488D68A-D3BF-11D0-A145-080036006703}

Example Three

The following command causes JavaReg to register the Java class Pager and assign it the ProgID called Pager.Java.1 (by default, the tool does not assign a COM ProgID to your class).

javareg /register /class:Pager /progid:Pager.Java.1

Example Four

To register a JavaBean object as a Microsoft® ActiveX® Control, you can use /codebase, /control, and /typelib with /register. /codebase can be either a URL, as in this example, or a path to a directory name. If you use /control to register a JavaBean, you must also generate a type library using /typelib as shown in the following example:

javareg /register /class:Pager /codebase: /control /typelib:Pager.class

Example Five

To activate and call a Java class on a different computer using Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), use /remote on the client computer. When using this option, the Java class cannot be activated on the client computer—only on the server. The following example explains the necessary steps for using this functionality.

  1. Write a Java class with some public members (for example,
    class Pager
       public boolean Page(String PhoneNumber, String PIN, String Msg)
          System.out.println("Page request received. Sending.");
          System.out.println(" Phone: " + PhoneNumber);
          System.out.println(" PIN: " + PIN);
          System.out.println(" Message: " + Msg);
          return true;
  2. Compile the Java source (into Pager.class, for example), and move the .class file to your trusted class library directory on the server (for example, C:\Winnt\Java\TrustLib\).
  3. On the server MyServer, run the following JavaReg command line (using the Pager example):
    javareg /register /class:Pager /progid:Pager.Java.1 /clsid:{2488D68A-D3BF-11D0-A145-080036006703} /surrogate
  4. On the client, run the following JavaReg command line (using the Pager example):
    javareg /register /class:Pager /progid:Pager.Java.1 /clsid:{2488D68A-D3BF-11D0-A145-080036006703} /remote:MyServer

Now you can use Microsoft® Visual Basic® to create an instance of Pager.Java.1. For example:

Dim x As Object
Set x = CreateObject("Pager.Java.1")
fSuccess = x.Page ("555-1212", "1234", "Call Home!")

The name of the remote server MyServer can be any computer identifier supported by DCOM, typically, a NetBIOS name, a DNS name, or a decimal-dotted IP address.

The Pager class will be activated and will run remotely on MyServer.