I want to protect computing resources

If you need to protect hardware, software, or data from damage, theft, or unauthorized use or make it more accessible, the Windows 2000 Resource Kit offers tools and information to help you.

I want to plan security for a Windows 2000 network

If you are responsible for security planning, the Windows 2000 Resource Kit provides background information to help you evaluate your current security arrangements and plan to take advantage of new Windows 2000 security features. For example, the Kerberos v5 authentication protocol is integrated into Active Directory directory service and Encrypting File System (EFS) is part of the NTFS file system.

For detailed background information on Windows 2000 security planning, see "Planning Distributed Security" and "Planning Your Public Key Infrastructure" in Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit Deployment Planning Guide.

I want to learn about new security features of Windows 2000

For detailed background information on Windows 2000 authentication, access control, and encryption, see "Distributed Security" in Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit Distributed Systems Guide.

I want to implement and administer security on a Windows 2000 network

All of the tools in the Security Tools category and numerous tools in the Network Management and Diagnostic categories can help you configure and manage network and local security. To learn about these tools, in the Tools Help table of contents double-click "Security Tools" "Network Management Tools", or "Diagnostic Tools". Click any tool to see a brief overview of it.

Following are a few examples of security-related tools.

I want to monitor audit events on a computer

Auditpol.exe: AuditPol is a command-line tool that enables the user to modify the audit policy of the local computer or of any remote computer.

Show me a brief overview of AuditPol.

I want to use Encrypting File System

Efsinfo.exe: Encrypting File System Information is a command-line tool that displays information about files and folders encrypted with Encrypting File System (EFS) on NTFS partitions.

Show me a brief overview of EfsInfo.

I want to control backups to floppy disks

Floplock.exe: Lock Floppy Disk Drives locks a computer's floppy disks so that only members of the Administrators and PowerUsers groups can access them.

Show me a brief overview of FlopLock.

I want to configure Internet Protocol Security

Ipsecpol.exe: Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool is a command-line tool that configures Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) policies in the directory service, or in a local or remote registry.

Show me a brief overview of IpSecPol.

I want to see who has what permissions for files

Perms.exe: File Access Permissions per User displays users' access permissions for a specified file or set of files

Show me a brief overview of Perms.

Windows 2000 Operating System Resources

I want to back up security-sensitive data from NTFS partitions to floppy disks

Xcopy.exe, a command-line tool included with the Windows 2000 operating system, can copy files and directories from NTFS partitions with their security intact, enabling you to back up security-sensitive data from your hard disk without using a tape drive. Xcopy offers the functionality formerly found in Scopy.exe: File Copy with Security, a command-line tool that is no longer included in the Resource Kit.