I want to deploy Windows 2000 on multiple computers

If you need to deploy Windows 2000 Professional or Server on large numbers of computers, the Windows 2000 Resource Kits contains useful tools for automating and customizing the setup process.

I want to automate multiple network installations

Setupmgr.exe: Setup Manager

Setup Manager simplifies installing and customizing multiple copies of Windows 2000 over a network. With it, you can customize installations by using different unattended answer files (Unattend.txt) and Uniqueness Database Files (UDFs).

Show me a brief overview of Setup Manager.

Sysdiff.exe: Automated Installation Tool

SysDiff enables you to pre-install applications as part of an automated setup.

Show me a brief overview of SysDiff.

For more information on SysDiff:


SysPrep automates the cloning of a customized configuration of Windows 2000 to multiple computers.

Show me a brief overview of SysPrep.

Unattend.doc: Unattended Setup Parameters Guide

Unattend.doc describes how to install Windows 2000 in unattended setup mode, using an "answer file".

Show me a brief overview of Unattend.doc.

Deployment Tools

For other useful tools, see the Deployment Tools category in the table of contents of this help file.

I want background on the deployment process

For a guide to planning deployment and a conceptual overview of automating and customizing the installation process for Windows 2000: