Installation Monitor Main Topic

Installation Monitor Examples


instaler myfile a:\setup.exe

Runs Setup.exe from a floppy drive and documents all changes made by it and any child processes it invokes in a file called Myfile.iml.

C:\temp\instaler reskit -9 -r -dAEC f:\setup

Monitors the Resource Kit Setup. It creates Teskit.log (text file) & Reskit.iml (binary file, required for Undoinst.exe) in the current directory and logs all registry and file system activity. -dAEC calls Instaler.exe to log all errors, debug events, and create API calls.

C:\temp\instaler reskit f:\setup

Monitors Resource Kit Setup. It creates Reskit.log (text file) & Reskit.iml (binary file, required for Undoinst.exe) in the current directory and logs all registry and file system activity.


showinst myfile

Displays the contents of Myfile.iml.

C:\temp\showinst reskit

Shows a less comprehensive log of the installation containing only the file and registry modifications.

C:\temp\showinst reskit -c

Displays the contents of text files.


undoinst myfile

Undoes the changes described by Myfile.iml.

undoinst reskit

Removes files and registry information.

undoinst reskit -r

Removes files and registry information and replaces the contents of the input .iml file with a redo script.

undoinst reskit -v

Removes files and registry information with verbose output.