HeapMon Main Topic

HeapMon Syntax

One Stepheapmon [-?] [-1] [-p id] [-t | -a | -f | -d | [-u | -b]] [-( | -)] [-e] [-l]


displays this message.
specifies to monitor the Win32 subsystem
-p id
specifies the process id to monitor. Default is to monitor the Win32 subsystem.
sorts output by tag name.
sorts output by #allocations.
sorts output by #frees.
sort output by #allocations - #frees.
sorts output by bytes used.
sorts output by bytes used; same as -u.
Changes #allocations and #frees above to be #bytes allocated and freed.
Changes #allocations and #frees above to be #bytes allocated and freed; same as -(.
enables display of total lines.
enables highlighting of changed lines.

Changing Output While HeapMon is Running

While HeapMon is running, you can type any of the following switch characters to change the output:

sorts output by tag name
sorts output by #allocations
sorts output by #frees
sorts output by #allocations then #frees
u or b
specifies the sort output by bytes used
( or )
toggles interpretation of #allocations and #frees above to be #bytes allocated and freed.
toggles display of total lines.
toggles highlighting of changed lines
? or h
displays help text
quits the program.