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FileSpy Examples

G:\Program Files\Resource Kit>filespy
Hit [Enter] to begin command mode...
FileSpy:  Opening device...
DEVICE NAME                   | STATUS
No devices attached
FileSpy:  Creating logging thread...
Log: Starting up
Valid switches: [/a <drive>] [/d <drive>] [/h] [/l] [/s] [/f [<file nam
        [/a <drive>] attaches monitor to <drive>
        [/d <drive>] detaches monitor from <drive>
        [/h] print file name hash statistics
        [/l] lists all the drives the monitor is currently attached to
        [/s] turns on and off showing logging output on the screen
        [/f [<file name>]] turns on and off logging to the specified fi
If you are in command mode,
        [go|g] will exit command mode
        [exit] will terminate this program