Subnet_ops.vbs Syntax

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Use the following syntax to add a subnet object:

One StepSubnet_ops.vbs -a [-n subnet-name] [-s site-name] [-p location] [-i IPaddress] [-m SubnetMask]

Use the following syntax to delete a subnet object:

One StepSubnet_ops.vbs -d -n subnet-name | all

Use the following syntax to list subnet objects or display command line help:

One StepSubnet_ops.vbs -l | -?

Use the following syntax to convert an IP Address and subnet mask to DS name:

One StepSubnet_ops.vbs -c [-i IPaddress] [-m SubnetMask]

creates the specified subnet object in the current domain.
deletes the specified subnet object, use 'all' for subnet-name to delete all subnets.
lists all the subnet objects in the current domain.
converts the given IP address and subnet mask to a DS object name.
-p location
sets the location property of the subnet object to be created to the value specified in location.
displays command usage.