
The multi-master model used by Active Directory allows updates to the directory to be performed against any domain controller. This is quite different from the model used by Windows NT version 4.0, where updates can only be performed on the Primary Domain Controller. Each user account must be allocated a unique security identifier (SID). To enable this to occur in a multi-master environment, and to prevent duplicate SIDs from being issued, each domain controller is granted a pool of relative identifiers (RID) for creating SIDs. The RID Pool size is 500. When a domain controller has used 80% of its RID Pool, it requests a new pool of RID's from the RID Operations Master. This script lists the current RID Operations Master, the total number of RID's remaining, the starting number for the next RID Pool, and for each domain controller, the starting number for its RID Pool, the next RID number to be issued, and the percentage of its RID Pool that has been consumed.

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