Remote Access Server Flags

100x00000002 Software compression. Enables software compression over RAS.
1000x00000004 NETBEUI transport protocol. Makes NETBEUI transport protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
10000x00000008 IPX transport protocol. Makes the IPX transport protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
1000000x00000020 Appletalk transport protocol. Makes the Appletalk transport protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
10000000x00000040 Shiva-PAP authentication protocol. Makes the Shiva-PAP authentication protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
1000000000x00000100 CHAP authentication protocol. Makes the Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
10000000000x00000200LCP extensions. Makes Link Control Protocol (LCP) extensions, such as callback and identification messages, available to dial-in clients and routers.
100000000000x00000400 Multilink PPP protocol. Makes the Multilink PPP protocol available to dial-in clients and routers.
100000000000000x00002000 BAP protocol. Makes the Bandwidth Allocation protocol (BAP) available to dial-in clients and routers.
1000000000000000x00004000 No authentication required. Clients connecting through any port may connect without being authenticated.
10000000000000000x00400000 No authentication required for null modems. Clients connecting over direct connect ports, such as null modems and infrared ports, may connect without being authenticated.