Group Policy Reference

Related Resources

You can find additional information about specific Group Policies and Group Policy in general from a variety of sources. The following are just a few of the sources available from Microsoft.

Group Policy Explain Tab

Each policy in the Administrative Templates folders in Group Policy features an Explain tab that fully describes that policy. To see the description of any policy, open a policy in Group Policy, double-click the policy name, and then click the Explain tab.

Windows 2000 Help

The Group Policy topic in Windows 2000 Help describes the Group Policy component.

Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit

The Windows® 2000 Server Resource Kit Distributed Systems Guide contains information about Group Policy.

The Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry (Regentry.chm) describes the registry entries that store Group Policy settings and the registry entries that are overridden when you configure a Group Policy. In particular, see the subkeys managed by Group Policy:




Technical Documents

InternetIntroduction to Windows 2000 Group Policy presents an overview of Windows 2000 Group Policy.

The InternetGroup Policy paper is the primary technical whitepaper describing Group Policy.

The InternetGroup Policy Walkthrough is a technical review of the features of Group Policy. This paper contains information for technology managers and system administrators and others who are interested in using Group Policy to manage desktop environments.

If you have an Internet connection and a Web browser, you can click the following links to visit these sites.

InternetWindows 2000 Resource Kits Web Site

Windows Web Sites

InternetWindows 2000 Server

InternetWindows Web Site

InternetWindows NT Server Web Site

InternetWindows NT 4.0 Workstation Web Site

InternetMicrosoft Support Web Site

InternetWindows Hardware Compatibility List

Other Microsoft World Wide Web Sites of Interest

InternetMicrosoft Knowledge Base Search

InternetMicrosoft Internet Explorer Web Site

InternetMicrosoft TechNet

InternetMSDN Online: Essential Resources for Developers


Microsoft Home Page

For any other information about Microsoft products, point your browser to:

InternetMicrosoft Home Page