Sample Answer Files for Unattended Setup

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Sample 2 – Unattended Installation of Windows 2000 Professional from CD-ROM

The following answer file installs Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional from CD-ROM. For this answer file to function properly, you must name it Winnt.sif and place it on a floppy disk.

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

; © 1994–1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup 


; This file contains information about how to automate the installation

; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional so that the Setup program runs 

; without requiring user input.



; This section is required when you perform an unattended installation 

; by starting Setup directly from the Windows 2000 installation CD-ROM. 

Unattendedinstall = Yes

; If you are running Unattended Setup from the CD-ROM, you must set the

; Msdosinitiated key to 0.

Msdosinitiated = "0"

; AutoPartition allows Windows 2000 Unattended Setup to choose a 

; partition to install to.

AutoPartition = 1


UnattendMode = FullUnattended

; The OemPreinstall key tells Unattended Setup that the installation is

; being performed from distribution shares if the value is set to Yes.

OemPreinstall = Yes

TargetPath = Winpro

FileSystem = LeaveAlone

; If the OemSkipEula key is set to Yes, it informs Unattended Setup that

; the user should not be prompted to accept the End User License

; Agreement (EULA). A value of Yes signifies agreement to the EULA and 

; should be used in conjunction with the terms of your license 

; agreement.

OemSkipEula = Yes


; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the 

; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the 

; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up

; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.

TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"

; It is recommended that you change the administrator password 

; before the computer is placed at its final destination.

AdminPassword = AdminPassword

; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.

AutoLogon = Yes

AutoLogonCount = 1

; The OemSkipWelcome key specifies whether the welcome page in the

; wizard phase of Setup should be skipped. A value of 1 causes the page

; to be skipped.

OemSkipWelcome = 1

; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip 

; RegionalSettings when the final location of the computer is unknown.

OemSkipRegional = 1


FullName = "Your user name"

OrgName = "Your organization name"

; It is recommended that you avoid using spaces in the 
; ComputerName value.

ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"

; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value

; for the ProductId key.

ProductId = "Your product ID"


BitsPerPel = 8

XResolution = 800

YResolution = 600

VRefresh = 60


; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key 

; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components. 

; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing, 

; and Client for Microsoft Networks.

InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

© 1985-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.