Sample Planning Worksheets

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Testing Applications for Compatibility with Windows 2000

Many large organizations have hundreds or even thousands of applications. If this is the case in your organization, compiling the list of applications can be extremely time-consuming.

You might want to compile the following information about each application:

If you find multiple contacts for the same vendor, try to consolidate them where possible.

If one of your goals is to consolidate applications or to better plan your testing efforts, you might prioritize applications by using Table A.21.

Table A.21 Prioritize Your Applications

Importance of the Application to the Organization
Number of Users
Is This the Most Recent Version? Are Localized Versions Used or Needed?
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __
      Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __

Table A.22 includes a number of tests that you can use to begin planning a testing strategy. Extend this list with additional issues that are appropriate for your organization. To track the results of your testing, record in the table whether the test passed, failed, is in progress, or unknown. You might also want to include the name of the person who is responsible for testing the application and the date that testing was completed or is due to be completed.

Table A.22 Plan and Track Your Testing Strategy


Responsible Tester
Planned Test Date
Test Outcome
Completed Date
Clean installation        
Upgrade installation        
Installation options        
Basic functionality and common tasks and procedures        
Works with multiple applications open        
Works with add-on hardware such as scanners        
Accessing and working with server data        

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