Sample Planning Worksheets

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Introducing Windows 2000 Deployment Planning

The chapter "Introducing Windows 2000 Deployment Planning," contains a high-level introduction to the features and benefits of the Windows 2000 operating system. The following worksheets list key features of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server and Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional. As you read the chapters in this book, use these worksheets to help you identify the key features of Windows 2000 and how they meet the business needs of your organization. When you review the features, consider both the short-term and long-term goals of your organization.

The tables are formatted so that you can enter your own comments about the potential role of these features within your organization. Use these worksheets to prepare a customized executive summary of the Windows 2000 features that your organization requires.



The following tables highlight the primary benefits of Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional and are not intended to be a complete description of all features. For more information about a particular feature, see the product Help files or the appropriate volume and chapter in the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Resource Kit.

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