Sample Planning Worksheets

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Member Server Planning Worksheet

Describe each server in your existing environment by using the following optional characteristics.

Type of Server:

File server __ Print server __ Web server __ Proxy server __ Fax server __

Routing and Remote Access Service server __ Database server __

Application server __ Specify the applications you have installed:



Member Server Name: _____________________________________________

How much data is stored on the server? _______________________________

How much data is transferred to and from the server? ____________________

Current number of users: _____________________________________________

Current hours of operation: ___________________________________________

Server Specifications:

Is this computer system listed on the Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)? Yes __ No __

Serial number: ____________________________________________________

Any modifications to the hardware? Yes __ No __

If yes, list specifics: _________________________________________________


Type of network adapters installed:

Type of CD-ROM installed: __________________________________________

List all plug-and-play devices: _______________________________




Type of external disks connected to the computer: _________________________


Hard disk partitioning and free disk space available: _______________________


Are you using redundant array of independent disks (RAID)? If so, specify: Software RAID __ Hardware RAID __

What levels of RAID are you using? ____________________________________


Which of the following types of software are installed on this server?

Third-party network services __ Virus scanners __ Other client software __

Read the release notes file (relnotes.htm) on the Windows 2000 Server operating system CD for information about known problems with specific applications.

Uninstall any applications that are mentioned in the release notes before you upgrade or do a clean installation.

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