Defining Client Administration and Configuration Standards

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Hardware Profiles

As stated earlier, most of the work of hardware configuration is automated. However, some advanced configuration might be required for earlier model portable computers that are frequently switched between use in a docking station and stand-alone use, or that are moved from a primary network connection to offline status, and then reconnected to the network from a second, third, or even fourth different type of network connection.

Because many portable computer users are not technically proficient in configuring hardware profiles, you might want to configure hardware profiles for these different environments or train these users to modify their own computers to connect to the network. See Figure 23.2 for an example.

Figure 23.2    Portable Computer with Multiple Hardware Profiles
Enlarge figure

Figure 23.2 Portable Computer with Multiple Hardware Profiles

Only configure hardware profiles for multiple computers simultaneously if the portable computers, configuration options, and peripherals are exactly identical. Alternately, you might want to both configure some hardware settings and provide additional end-user configuration training so that they can do some of these tasks on their own.

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