Upgrading and Installing Member Servers

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Upgrading and Installing Member Servers

Member servers provide file, print, Web, application, and communication services. Member servers are not domain controllers; however, each member server retains an account in the domain. You can upgrade your existing member servers to Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server or install new member servers as the first phase in your Windows 2000 Server deployment. This allows you to benefit from Windows 2000 Server features even before you deploy the Active Directory™ directory service. This chapter presents planning considerations as well as procedures that will be useful to system administrators for installing or upgrading member servers to Windows 2000 Server.

It is recommended that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0, knowledge of networks and networking concepts, and knowledge of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 sites. This will help you determine the installation and upgrade requirements of Windows 2000 Server in an enterprise networking environment.

In This Chapter

Planning for Member Server Upgrade and Installation

Preparing Member Servers for Upgrade or New Installation

Performing an Upgrade or Installation

Determining Server Roles for Each Windows 2000 Server

Performing Post-Upgrade and Installation Tasks

Planning Task List for Member Servers

Chapter Goals

This chapter will help you develop the following planning documents:

Related Information in the Resource Kit

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