Building a Windows 2000 Test Lab

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Conducting Tests

Before you begin testing, modify the lab setup as necessary to meet the requirements specified in the test case. When performing tests, follow the written test case carefully. You need to know the precise steps that the tester performed before you can accurately assess the results or reproduce the test to compare it over time.

As you perform the tests, analyze the results against the criteria in the test case to determine if the test passed or failed. If a test failed, it might be a problem with the test itself, the lab setup, or the proposed design. For failed tests, consider doing the following:

Test case problem.   Revise the test case, rerun the test, and document all the changes that you made.

Lab setup problem.   Follow the change control process for the lab, reconfigure the lab, and rerun the test.

Design problem.   Follow the escalation procedure for the project to notify the proper people about the problem. Prioritize the outstanding problems and track them until they are resolved and retested. To prioritize problems, consider the potential impact and the probability that they will occur.

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