Automating Server Installation and Upgrade

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Existing Servers

The examples in this section are for computers with the following pre-existing server configurations:

Example 1: Windows NT Server with Windows 2000–Compatible Server Applications

This example presents two methods for installing Windows 2000 Server on computers running Windows NT Server, with or without compatible hardware.

To install Windows 2000 Server on computers with compatible hardware

  1. Back up the entire system.
  2. Upgrade the system using one of the following methods:

    – Or –

    – Or –

    – Or –

To install Windows 2000 Server when the computer has incompatible hardware and the hard disk does not need to be replaced

  1. Replace any necessary hardware except the hard disk.
  2. Verify that all new hardware functions properly.
  3. Back up the entire system.
  4. Upgrade the system using one of the following methods:

    – Or –

    – Or –

    – Or –

To install Windows 2000 Server when the computer has incompatible hardware and the hard disk needs to be replaced

  1. Upgrade at least one of the following:
  2. Verify that all new hardware functions properly.
  3. Back up the entire system.
  4. Replace the hard disk. Copy the image that was backed up.
  5. If you are upgrading, perform the upgrade using one of the following methods. This might be particularly useful in situations where the server is in a unique or nearly unique configuration:

    – Or –

    – Or –

    – Or –

  6. If you are doing a clean installation, use one of the following methods:

    – Or –

    – Or –

    – Or –

    – Or –

Example 2: Computers Running Windows NT Server 3.5 or Earlier, or Servers Running Non-Microsoft Operating Systems

Server operating systems that cannot be directly upgraded to Windows 2000 Server include Windows NT 3.5 or earlier versions, Novell, Banyan Vines, UNIX, and OS/2. To prepare for a clean installation, obtain a client computer built by an OEM or solution provider.

To install Windows 2000 on a computer running Windows NT 3.5 or earlier or a non-Microsoft operating system

  1. Back up the system.
  2. Run Winnt.exe from the command prompt with the desired parameters by using one of the following methods:

    – Or –

    CD Boot Setup.

    Syspart method. This is useful when installing new hard disks in the computers.

    Sysprep method. Use when installing to identical computers (HALs and mass storage device controllers must be identical).

  3. note-icon


    You can perform a clean installation on an existing computer if necessary, but this is not recommended. If you have servers that cannot be upgraded, replace each server with a new server containing a clean installation of Windows 2000 Server. This must be done to allow time to verify that the system is stable, to reduce potential user impact, and to provide time to migrate necessary references and settings to the new server.

  4. Install applications compatible with Windows 2000 Server.
  5. Verify system functions as required.
  6. Migrate users and references to point to the new system before shutting down the existing system.

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