Automating Server Installation and Upgrade

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New Options for Automated Installation

In the Windows 2000 automated installation, there are several new options available in the answer file for controlling how and what should run. For more information about answer file parameters and syntax, see the "Microsoft Windows 2000 Guide to Unattended Setup" (Unattend.doc) on the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system CD. The Unattend.doc file is part of the file in the \Support\Tools folder. In Windows 98 or Windows 2000, use Windows Explorer to extract this document. In Windows 95 and earlier, or in MS-DOS, use the Extract command to access the file.

Flexible networking   In Windows 2000, there are flexible network configurations available for each computer, including additional support for protocols, services, and clients. It is now possible to set the binding order, to easily set default information, and to install more than one network adapter in a system. In addition, to make installation and configuration easier, Windows 2000 can automatically install and configure network device drivers. By default, Windows 2000 installs the default networking components to each network adapter installed in a system, unless otherwise specified in the answer file. The default networking components include Client for Microsoft Networks, TCP/IP, File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks, and enabling Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

Automatic Logon Capability   You can customize the answer file to allow the computer to automatically log on as the administrator the first time the computer starts Windows 2000 after Setup is complete or a specified number of times thereafter. If you need Windows 2000 to automatically log on for a specific number of times to accomplish tasks that are run in the RunOnce entries, you will need to provide a non-null administrator password (AdminPassword) in the answer file. You can then use AutoAdminLogonCount to specify the number of times you need the system to automatically log on to complete the desired tasks. If a null password is used, Setup can only automatically log on to the system once without providing credentials through other means for each subsequent reboot. This is done to help reduce security risks. Note that providing administrator account credentials in a text file always introduces security risks if a user gains access to the file.

Automatic Command Execution   The [GuiRunOnce] section of the answer file contains a list of commands to be carried out consecutively as part of Setup after GUI mode completes. By using [GuiRunOnce], you can specify lists of applications to install, utilities to configure the system, or other tools to run on first logon to the installed computer.

Simplified Time Zone Specification   In the answer file, you can specify the computer time zone more easily and with less debugging than what was required with Windows NT. By enumerating the possible time zones, there is less opportunity for error because you are no longer required to enter the full time zone string.

Enhanced Regional and Language Settings   In the answer file, you can specify the system and user locales, the keyboard and input method, and the language support to be installed. Setup Manager can help to make this even easier by using the GUI interface of the wizard to select the settings to install on the system.

Simpler Device Preinstallation   With the introduction of Plug and Play, the OemPnPDriversPath key, and the new distribution sharepoint structure, preinstalling devices is now as easy as adding the new drivers into a folder in the distribution share and specifying the OemPnPDriversPath key.

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