Synchronizing Active Directory with Exchange Server Directory Service

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Planning Task List for Directory Synchronization

The Directory Synchronization Planning Task List in Table 20.8 is a convenient chapter reference list that helps you locate important tasks to enable you to create a Connection Agreement Plan for your organization.

Table 20.8 Planning Task List for Directory Synchronization

Task Location in Chapter
Create the ADC Connection Agreement Plan. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Form the planning and deployment teams. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Examine your domain structure and Exchange Server site topology. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Prepare your network for ADC deployment. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Consider specific network requirements. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Determine which directory service you will manage objects from. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Administer objects from Active Directory. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Administer objects from Exchange Server 5.5 Directory Service. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Define objects for directory synchronization. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Map Exchange Server containers with Windows 2000 Server OUs. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Set up connection agreements. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Design connection agreements. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Document your ADC Connection Agreement Plan. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Test connection agreement configurations. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Determine a schedule for directory synchronization. Creating the ADC Connection Agreement Plan
Back out of a synchronization in progress. Ensuring Against Loss of Data

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