Synchronizing Active Directory with Exchange Server Directory Service

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Defining Objects for Directory Synchronization

When defining objects for directory synchronization between Exchange Server 5.5 directory and Active Directory, your primary goals should be to:

You can accomplish this by organizing your Windows 2000 Server objects, such as Users, Contacts, and Groups, into recipient containers that mirror the Exchange Server recipient containers. The following is an example of how you might do this:



You would not create a recipient container to correspond with the Windows 2000 Server computer's OU because Exchange Server does not synchronize computers.

Place all of your internal corporate users in the Users container, place your Custom Recipients in the Contacts containers, and place your Distribution Lists in the Group container. Finally, synchronize the directories.

There are two different methods for setting up synchronization between Exchange Server containers and Active Directory OUs. They are as follows:

Figure 20.4    Using Multiple Connection Agreements to Map Exchange Server Containers and Windows 2000 Server OUs
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Figure 20.4 Using Multiple Connection Agreements to Map Exchange Server Containers and Windows 2000 Server OUs

Figure 20.5    Single Connection Agreement Maps Containers from Exchange Server to Windows 2000 Server Active Directory
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Figure 20.5 Single Connection Agreement Maps Containers from Exchange Server to Windows 2000 Server Active Directory

The second method is recommended over the first method because you create fewer connection agreements and the system does most of the work for you.

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