Designing the Active Directory Structure

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Planning for Active Directory

When you plan for and deploy your enterprise-scale Active Directory, you are defining a significant part of the network infrastructure of your organization. In this plan, you create a set of structures that best reflects your organization. The structures you create will determine:

Having a well thought-out Active Directory plan is essential to a cost-effective deployment. Investing time in the planning phase will help you avoid spending time and money in the future reworking structures that you have already put in place.

To create your directory structure plans, follow the sequence of planning steps as presented in this chapter. While you create your plans:

Figure 9.1 illustrates the primary steps for designing the Active Directory structure. This chapter will take a close look at each one of these steps.

Figure 9.1    Process for Designing an Active Directory Structure
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Figure 9.1 Process for Designing an Active Directory Structure

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